Conditional formatting to enforce not bold
Conditional formatting seems to work one way -- force text bold, but not the other way around. Obviously I could manually do this, but there are many lines in our sheet. The reason for this is because users at times will copy/paste certain rows in a sheet, and we use bold to distinguish the indent level. if a row or cells…
Editing dashboard content
It would be great if somebody who looks at dashboards with report elements could directly update fields without first opening the underlying report and make changes there.
New view for calendar app
tldr; just look at the attached picture Non of the current views of the calendar app are convenient enough for me for scheduling activities to my team. I suggest a new view that will have the following characteristics: The resolution will be one day but it will be possible to see a span of many weeks at once (depends on…
Finger gesture scrolling.
We issued Surface Pro 7+’s and Surface Pro 9’s to managers to use in the field now that Smartsheet has become the main system for work orders and assignments. For some reason, when using the browser or app on these devices, we are unable to scroll by touching the screen and swiping up and down or left or right. We can…
Aligning week number to financial year
Hiya, Asking this question again as I have still seen no solution here. In a gantt chart is it possible to align the week number with a financial year? In our business our financial year starts the first week of July - This however comes up as week 27, not week 1. Cheers
Slice data in dashboard
like to slice data similiar to powerBI by clicking on the chart - Drill-down on Pie charts, Battery charts, and Calculation cards to break down the data you're looking at natively by clicking directly into any slice, segment, or number.
Notes option within Workspace/Folder
I think it would be helpful to have a "notes" option within a workspace/folder. The thought is that there are certain ways to use assets within a workspace however, not everyone who will be using the assets knows (or needs to know) the intricacies of the program. So a "notes" section would be great to give instructions on…
Allow Admin to transfer single sheet ownership
As an admin, when folks leave the company, it is sometimes desirable to transfer ownership of Sheets to different users. Example the person was in HR, some of the sheets they own should go to Recruiting, some to Payroll and perhaps others to Benefits. As the Admin I would like to be able to transfer the sheets on an…
Desktop App - IT Admin Deployment
We're looking for added functionality to smartsheet-setup.exe to support silent install commands. This will enable IT admins to install the program silently through endpoint management and/or system application deployment tools.
Auto-Update Column Type in Reports
The new feature that flags report headers when column names change is fabulous! As a future enhancement, it would be great to have the columns in the reports automatically update if the column type changes. For example, if a column changes from text/number to contact, instead of having to delete and re-add the column, it…