Dynamic Notification Email Customization Field in Automation Setup
It would be awesome if, when setting up automations, there were a check box for "Send Custom Email?" that opened up a dynamic field when checked. If checked, a new menu opens that allows you to edit the From, Subject, Message, etc. fields in the notification email sent to users in the designated column(s) utilized in the…
Create API Calls for WorkApps
For example, I just manually updated 120 projects in a Portfolio WorkApps to give a leader access to all the projects. It would be amazing if there was a way to instead create an API call to do these types of tedious tasks through programming.
Turn Off Notification Emails in Portfolio WorkApps
We should have the option to not send notification emails when someone is added to a Control Center Provisioned WorkApp project. This option is available almost everywhere else in Smartsheet, it should also be possible with SCC Provisioned WorkApp Projects. We had to have our IT team block the WorkApps emails all together.
Auto-Numbering Automation
Can you add a feature that auto-numbers a row based on an automation criteria (i.e.: Provides the next number in the list when an automation is approved) Love the auto-number feature, however it is not always practical to have every row numbered.
Automation: Attachment to Proofs
Would be very helpful if we could version up Proofs direct from new attachments. Often times the Teams are editing directly in Word Docs or uploading PDFs, once they are ready for approvals you can only convert to a Proof once before that function no longer works. Doesn't help when you have multiple rounds of edits...
Click on Cell Value to Trigger Search
Leverage Smartsheet's search feature by directly clicking on a cell value. Rather than copy-pasting the value into the search box, I'd like to be able to essentially treat the cell value as a hyperlink that when clicked opens the search results listing all rows with that value. Either via a directly click on the cell value…
Document Builder in Smartsheet Gov
This seems like a no-brainer to have this functionality available in Smartsheet Gov. I have tested the functionality that exists in the commercial version and it seems like it would make sense to mirror that functionality (along with other functionality) onto the Gov side. This functionality would also help us convince…
Maintain Copy Row and Move Row target Sheet Links when Provisioning
If you create a toolkit for a blueprint and one of your automations includes copy/move row to another sheet in the toolkit - that target sheet does not get relinked when a new project is provisioned. Therefore after a project is provisioned you have to go into the automation and relink the target sheet. This is a very…
Translate Submit button and "Send me a copy ..."
It would be very useful to be able to translate the text for "Send me a copy of my responses" and the text on the Submit button.
Hi, The PDF document builder does not support to send/present data with Arabic langugae . This is very frusturated to Middle East/Arabic users . Please consider to support Arabic language when export Arabic data through PDF doc builder , Thanks