The ability to Copy Cell Values instead of just the formula
This will prevent all sorts of crazy work arounds when all your trying to do is copy a value generated by a formula onto another sheet. EX. Creating a formula to create a value that you want to use to create a reference sheet.
disable the email notification for a license request for one of your System Admins in Smartsheet.
I'd like to be able to disable the email notification for a license request for one of your System Admins in Smartsheet.
Workflow Reporting
The ability to confirm that emails (created under a workflow) were delivered with the date/time and recipient email.
Card View Filtering/Organizing
Stakeholders have asked to be able to filter card view by multiple criteria Example w/screenshot: View by Age Group, then by Age Group.
Card View Search Functionality
Would like the ability to use "Control + F" or some other intuitive search on the Card View. I've noticed "Control + F" works on grid view, but not on Card View.
Customizable Shortened URL links
It would be extremely helpful to be able to include customizable shortened URL links in automated workflow messages. Here's an example of an outgoing message. As you can see the link is extremely long, but it works. This is a link to a pdf inside Smartsheet. I've tried Bitly, but it doesn't work. It would be much more…
Discreetly Alert Users When Summary Field is Present
The Sheet Summary Fields can be incredibly useful in providing sheet instructions or other sharable information to sheet users, however the summary fields are one of the best kept secrets for many users. It would be helpful if there was a means of discreetly alerting the user that Sheet Summary Fields were available. Even…
Approval request send from triggering user
I have approval request automations set up and working well except the automation email for the approval is sent from either smartsheet or the Admin (myself) and ignores the fact that the request actually comes from a user of the smartsheet, not the Admin. As such it causes confusion and extra work by the Approver to…
Desktop view for Embedded Smartsheet items on Mobile Dashboards
Hi Smartsheet, I work for a company that has both office employees and field crews. I've created dashboards for the different operational crews. The dashboards on the desktop are effective in that there are images, shortcuts to links and embedded forms and sheets. But dashboards on the mobile app doesn't translate very…
Increase Import Column Capacity
Currently it will not let you import anything that exceeds 400 columns. This is very frustrating when your trying to import data into a sheet. I have found myself having to copy & paste the data in by hand. Increasing the capacity would be extremely helpful. I am transitioning all our excel files into Smartsheet sheets to…