Dashboard Improvement general post: for specific features find the related idea instead
Modestly, I create beautiful dashboards and the team likes it. It helped a lot to spread Smartsheet within our company. But it is still very limited in terms of design possibilities. The visual aspect is very important for engagement and there is no way to compare it with other dashboard apps that we have on the market,…
Improved PDF Exporting of Dashboards
I have created a dashboard that I would like to export to PDF to share to people that do not necessarily have Smartsheet and more importantly don't want to open links/attachments to get "quick glance" data. When I print as PDF I loose a lot of formatting and can't centre the data across the page. without customising…
Search bar should be at top of page not hidden
Moving search to the left navigation bar is a horrible idea. Adds an extra step to searching and the nav bar is already poorly implemented as it constantly gets in the way if your mouse hovers a few centimeters too far and then you have to wait for it to disappear. Does anyone actually use Smartsheet before implementing…
Organizing Files/Pages in WorkApp - Headers and Sections
I would love to be able to better organize my left-hand navigation panel in WorkApps so it looks less like a dump of pages and more like a mini-website nav panel. Perhaps being able to add a "header" with a drop-down option? Or maybe even just add lines to separate types of files? I absolutely LOVE using WorkApps, but this…
proof comment resolution checkbox
Designers would like to check off comments as they are completed during the proofing process, then be able to filter by status to clean up the thread.
Cutover/Deployment Plan & Ghant
Love the Project Plan in Smartasheet and this is how I came to use smartsheet all those many years ago. However, when it comes to the cutover planning where it is critical to track tasks down to the minute/hour it is extremely cumbersome to add text based time values, duration in minutes/hours/days and related conversions…
Remove or Increase Cross Sheet Reference Limitations
Please consider removing or increasing cross-sheet reference limitations. I recently built a solution that would require me to manage 3-4 sheets each month for monthly audit results tracking from Joint Commission. I spent weeks building and testing and at the end had to add more questions (total of about 125 to the form.…
Improved User Auto-Provisioning
It would be great to be able to specify some additional options for user auto-provisioning: Have the ability to add auto-provisioned users to Groups automatically - Being able to add new users to an "All Employees" group automatically would mean they could have access to some resources by default. In my case, users…
Dynamic Views in Control Center
Would be great to have the ability to add Dynamic Views to a blueprint definition. Primary use case is the 'current user' scenario. Example: I have a project plan that I don't want to give shared edit access to but want project team members to be able to provide updates to their assigned tasks. Creating a Dynamic View…
Allow multiple task dates within the same row have different colors
I am working on a scheduling sheet and have different dates of occurrences on the same row. I would like to have the different dates highlighted in different colors. I am currently manually doing this procedure in Excel. Most of the information I have come across requires each task be on a new line and I would really like…