Add option of using User initials in Last Comment column to save space
Enable option of using user initials, e.g. first letter of first/last name fields within comment references, to save space
Ability to modify a re-occurring send list when sending a report from Smartsheet
Currently there is no way to edit an send list (email addresses) when sending out a re-occurring of a report. I am having to set up a new re-occurring send list when someone new needs to have a copy of the report. Also, we have users that are no longer w/ the company and they still remain on the send list.
Bulk Sharing of Reports & Smartsheet
Morning When a staff member joins our team or leaves our team it would be amazing to be able to bulk share reports and Smartsheets with them. Thank you Tracey Tume
Project plan-->Meeting Agenda & Notes
Hi- I use Smartsheet to manage all of my project plans, and to run many of my technical meetings to gather updates. It would be incredible if there was a way to create a meeting agenda or notes to send out after a meeting. I am looking for a format to share that looks and reads different than a report. Thanks, Liz
Right click on Widgets to copy into Emails/Word etc
Dashboards create some useful graphs and tables. Sometimes we need to communicate the graphs/tables in emails or in documents/reports. It would be very handy to be able to right-click on a dashboard widget, select copy, and then paste into other software. Currently, I use the Snip tool in Windows which is not always…
Integrating custom HTML or JavaScript into the smartsheet dashboard.
I wanted to embed a file/URL of a custom HTML code made in order to have a dropdown menu in the dashboard and make it easier to organize data. I think it would be a great idea to be able to integrate custom HTML and JavaScript into the dashboard! Another idea is adding a feature to create a dropdown menu for convenience…
Dynamic Forms created as an Object
It would be great to have forms created as objects, that way if I copy paste a folder, or am provisioning projects via control center, the form URL will be dynamic to the newly created object instead of me copy/pasting/modifying dashboard links etc.
Report Column Synonyms
When creating a report, would love to be able to apply a synonym to a column, similar to having the option to apply a label to a form field. This would offer great flexibility for report writers and consumers by providing the ability to support the custom terminology. For example, the 'Name' field in a Demand Management…
Metrics from a DataTable
DataTable is fabulous, but I have to move the data from the DataTable into sheets (usually a LOT of sheets) in order to be able to do any manipulation of the data. I'd love to be able to create Metrics from the data in a DataTable
Make Resource Management Available via MobileApp
Currently, it is not possible to access Resource Management via the Smartsheet Mobile App. This is a pain point for project managers who need to have the full picture on their projects. Now that both tools are fully integrated the Mobile App needs to provide the same experience. Available on Mobile App: View sheets,…