Option to choose how the work in task will be redistributed.
I was using Microsoft Project for many years and in this tool you could choose how to distribute work among resources. So if you had 8h task that was assigned to one resource if you added another resource the work could split to 2 x 4h or still 2 x 8h if the task could not last shorter. Would it be ever possible to have…
Filter Capability and Control for Published Smartsheet Reports
I have a really great report I created from a Smartsheet that would be almost perfect if the published report could be filtered, specifically only with the filters that I allow people to use. Why? Because currently I have to give each individual who requests it, access to my report, which is tedious …but they need to have…
Format Painter for Summary Fields
It would be amazing to have the format painter be available for Summary Fields. It is incredibly cumbersome to format each individual summary field when you are creating many that should be formatted to the same number type, decimal places, etc.
Modify Date Format in Dynamic View
Would love the ability to choose a date format in dynamic view. We share our smartsheet with international partners, so the ability to set the date format to unambiguous dating (dd/mmm/yyyy) is crucial.
Creating a Chart from Non-Numerical Data for a Dashboard
It would be great to be able to create pie charts or bar graphs on my dashboard that displays percentage and/or counts of types of activity from a column in a sheet. For example an IT tracking sheet with a column that has a dropdown menu, easily creating a chart widget from that column that would count the number of types…
Please fix the Sheet Reference Manager View
Why doesn't this window expand? It's impossible to see the name and when you've got a lot of similar names it's maddening.
Alert users when breaching the 100 character limit
The limit for filtering a dropdown value is 100 characters. You will want to limit your values to 100 characters, if you plan to filter on those values. Given it has taken hours to try and work this out, you should alert clients when they are breaching 100 characters in a dropdown field.
ability to send generated documents to people who don't have access to the sheet.
It would be helpful to be able to send generated documents (or even just specific attachments to a row) to people via automation email without giving them access to the sheet.
URL customization for Sheet
The URL for a sheet is ugly. Can we have the option of having our organization in the URL by default like <CompanyName>.smartsheet.com or something like that? And the ability to shorten the 40 character string at the end to something more usable? Like the sheet name or something customizable?…
License Tags
Can we have the capability for a System Admin to be notified whenever a user is tagged as licensed or when a licensed user is untagged as licensed.