Conditional Formatting for Dashboard Metric Widgets
When using dashboard metric widgets, it would be helpful to be able to have conditional formatting features to compare performance to a KPI or otherwise enhance the metric display. Even if the data source document already has the conditional formatting existing, it will not transfer along with the data to the dashboard…
Data Shuttle Workflow Triggered by a Workflow
With the various amounts of ideas in the community and potential implementations already in progress, who knows if this idea might become redundant at some point. But from what I've seen so far this doesn't seem to exist just yet. I think being able to trigger a Workflow in Data Shuttle based on the execution of another…
Auto Number Primary Column
Of the various data types a new column can use, it is logical that the Primary Column can only be Text/Number or Auto Number. However, Auto Number is not an option as of now. I would like to request having Auto Number be an option for the Primary Column. There are many applications of intake or request sheets are used…
Group Management - Sorting Contact List Alphabetically
Today it appears group lists are sorted by date added (can't really tell)? It is not sorted alphabetically, which would be more helpful.
Provide Ability for Admins to Proxy as Another User
Please provide the ability for Smartsheet Admins to proxy in as another user and test their view out. I was building a report and I wanted to make sure that users who received it could only edit certain columns. Instead of proxying in as an Editor, I had to schedule a meeting with someone with that access and have him…
Dashboards: open Reports in new window
Is it possible to change the behavior of the dashboard so that if a chart item links to a report it can open in a separate window? Currently, when clicking on a chart it replaces the dashboard. For instance, want to hold the Ctrl key while clicking on the chart and having it load in a separate window. Thank you.
Multiple delete/disable for conditional formatting
Currently, I have to click on each conditional formatting rule and click disable or delete on a sheet. Major use for a check box type list so that I can either disable, delete, or modify multiple formatting rules together.
Current User Report on Dashboard - NOT SHARED
Today if you are using a Current User Report on a Dashboard you have to be shared to the source sheet. If I don't want people to see the data, there is no easy solution. Please allow the current user report to work by filtering in for view on the dashboard, not source data. Dynamic View doesn't have all the features of a…
Save As New Workspace / Copy Row Automation
It would make the world of difference if when you deploy a new workspace any copy or move row automations would update to the new workspace not point to the template.
Add filter & sort for unlicensed users
Currently, we don't have the ability for unlicensed users to add their own filters and sort data. This creates a burden for the designer/owner to create every filter for every user. Unlicensed users should be able to manipulate the data in a sheet/report as they desire.