Cross-Sheet References Optimizations
When adding a cross-sheet reference and selecting a column, the range should auto-name itself as opposed to being "GENERIC SHEET NAME 1" - I don't love having to click into the naming field to update (especially when I'm adding ~60+ cross-sheet references). It's monotonous. When I click "enter/return" after selecting and…
Save as new WorkApps
It would be very helpful if WorkApps can be Save As new WorkApps, I have created a WorkApps template for apply to the user use the common sheet, Dashboard but WorkApps is not able to Save as New. I have to create new WorkApps and add common sheet, dashboard one by one. It is very spent of time. It would also be helpful If…
Expand / Collapse by One Hierarchy Level
It would help if one could expand or collapse everything by one step only rather than expand the whole descendants at once. Often I only need to expand/ collapse one step (up or down the hierarchy) at a time, and this means I have to manually expand or collapse each parent row to reach the next level, which is time…
Power BI connection for Resource Management
We would like to be able to display resource hours by project and other similar information on a Power BI dashboard but have no way to get the RM data into PBI right now. Request a connection for RM similar to the one that exists for Smartsheet.
Find and Replace within Formulas
Would love to be able to Find and Replace within Formulas, would save so much time..
Please Add a Sum Product Formula
Please add a sum product formula to improve ease of calculations without workarounds.
Reactions to Comments
I would love to be able to react to a comment, so the poster knows I see it without me having to type a new response. Thinking "Thumbs Up" / "Thumbs Down" / "Heart" / "Laugh"
Remove Total Row in Report for Qualitative Metrics
I am using the summary function within a report, and I am using the "First" option of summarizing to bring the latest date to the summary field. There is no need for the "Total" column at the top of the report when summarizing a quantitative metric like picking the latest date in the column.
Unified DocuSign tracking column
Thank you SmartSheet team, for all your hard work on the DocuSign integration. We're in the process of putting together some automations to take full advantage of this feature. Meanwhile, I'm trying to avoid creating multiple DocuSign tracking columns every time I generate>create and connect a new document to a different…
Data Shuttle Run Options - on specific date or day of month
Provide the ability to modify the Data Shuttle Run Options to specify a specific set of dates etc. much like setting up recurring meetings in outlook. Example: End the run schedule on December 31, 2023 at 11:59pm.