MM/DD date format
I want to display many columns at a time in order to view a lot of information. In order to fit them on my screen, I'd like to use a truncated date format that only displays MM/DD.
Option to choose how the work in task will be redistributed.
I was using Microsoft Project for many years and in this tool you could choose how to distribute work among resources. So if you had 8h task that was assigned to one resource if you added another resource the work could split to 2 x 4h or still 2 x 8h if the task could not last shorter. Would it be ever possible to have…
Adaptive Height Report Widgets in Dashboards
Hey all, I tried searching for this idea and couldn't find it. I would love to have report widgets in dashboard with adaptive height based on data in the report. I have dashboard with reports that change rapidly in how many rows they are displaying and would love these to adapt height based on current data shown.
Feature to drag and drop from outlook to the File Upload in a Form
Currently its not possible to drag an email from outlook to a Form, however you can drag directly from Outlook to the attachment within a sheet. This functionality would be nice for users that are using forms to create request and do not have or need the necessary access to the sheet itself. This would be a nice…
Filter Capability and Control for Published Smartsheet Reports
I have a really great report I created from a Smartsheet that would be almost perfect if the published report could be filtered, specifically only with the filters that I allow people to use. Why? Because currently I have to give each individual who requests it, access to my report, which is tedious …but they need to have…
Format Painter for Summary Fields
It would be amazing to have the format painter be available for Summary Fields. It is incredibly cumbersome to format each individual summary field when you are creating many that should be formatted to the same number type, decimal places, etc.
Inclusion of Workspace name in Backup Failure email
In the email communication of Backup failure, please include the Workspace name so the user can identify and scheule a manual backup. In the completion email, name of workspace gets included but in the failure email, it doesn't.
Pivot App - upgrade interface to be user friendly
This app needs improvements. In Excel pivot table is straight forward, easy to use and diplays very nice. In Smartsheet you have several steps and the display not great. Please upgrade the interface to be more user friendly and display better.
Dashboard Sheet name Hyperlink proposal
I have a dashboard with a summary report that shows all my records within my Smartsheet, within the report i have the sheet name column which acts as a hyperlink and takes the user to the associated sheet where the record is located. The problem is the link takes the user to the page but leave the user having to go and…
Reports: sharing requirements to @mention in comments
I often run reports to gather specific teams' data across multiple schedules into one easy-to-access place. I realized recently that report users cannot @mention people in comments, even if those people are shared to the base sheet being pulled into the report. Instead, the @mention must also be shared to the report. I…