Group Multi-Select Dropdown and Multi-Select Contact Columns within Reports
It would be great if we had the option to group line items in a report by options selected in a dropdown column. Ex. If you are viewing projects within a global campaign and have "country" as a column with the fixed values for all the available countries. It would be nice to be able to run a report where you could group…
Add @ mentions to groups in Conversations
Would be great to add mentions via a group i.e. @Purchasing and I could notify all users within that group.
Complex Form Logic Conditions based on Multiple Fields (AND/OR)
I really like that forms have some type of conditional logic, so that the users don't have to see fields that aren't relevant. But, it would be nice to add AND/OR logic. For example, the way it is now, conditions can only be based on the selection of a single field. With the addition of AND/OR conditions, we could combine…
Export a sheet with attachments preserving the row references
For various reasons, it may be needed to export the sheet with all their attachments while preserving the knowledge of which attachment belongs to which row. Solution examples: 1) A PDF binder where a click on the link would open the attachment, which is embedded in the binder. 2) A ZIP archive containing an Excel or HTML…
Organizing Files/Pages in WorkApp - Headers and Sections
I would love to be able to better organize my left-hand navigation panel in WorkApps so it looks less like a dump of pages and more like a mini-website nav panel. Perhaps being able to add a "header" with a drop-down option? Or maybe even just add lines to separate types of files? I absolutely LOVE using WorkApps, but this…
Open Sheet in New Tab When Select Hyperlink in Report
I would like to be able to open my linked sheet in a new window when I select the hyperlink from a report. I have very lengthy reports that pull in hundreds of sheets. When reviewing data, I'll expand and collapse grouped data as I work my way down the report. I occassionally need to navigate to the underlying sheet to…
Totals and calculations in forms
allow users to add section to request amounts and total them something like: blue widgets needed - # red widgets needed - # green widgets needed - # Total widgets = # blue+# red+# green
Reorder Favorites and Pinned Recents
It would be helpful if you could drag favorites and pinned recents to customize the order they appear in.
Ability to Find & Replace text in Formulas
Hi Team, I am aware that this functionality isn't currently available. But, as someone who works on rows & rows of data every day, replacing values in a formula using the Find & Replace feature is extremely helpful and time-saving. As I type this, I have the daunting task of going back to my sheet on SmartSheets and…
Add function to retrieve values from cell for a multi-select column
Like the COUNTM which gives the count of values in a multi-select cell, it would be great if there is any function or combination of functions that can provide an array/list of values from a cell so that any particular value can be compared/matched/processed.