Ability to Copy or Convert Program Reports
Looking for the ability to copy or convert Program Reports. 1. Copy - The current feature allows you to copy a report, but they default to Sheet reports. 2. Convert - alternately, it would help if a user could convert a Sheet report to a Program report, or visa versa. Either option would be a great time saver to duplicate…
Ability to set currency value
Would be wonderful to be able to set a column that will be a value as a currency to have a currency symbol added ($). User can do this for the first cell for manual entries and it generally will carry dwon the column, however when using formulas there does not seem to be an easy way to get the currency symbol in. This…
Room for Automation Notes
Add a notes field that would appear in the automation summary for people to put process notes for others to understand process.
Update Notifications - why did it change?
Make it easier in the original platform to have notifications of variety and not change the way it looked. I learned today the look of outside notification looks just like a sheet change instead of notifying customers which doesn't look professional, and it is confusing could we leave what works alone.
Timeline - bar positions / sort
ability to customize sort order / ability to move the bars to specific vertical places
Timeline - bar positions / spacing
ability for the bars to overlap vertically or horizontally and by how much threshold like in pixels, and for all bars or individual customization
Improvement of Activity Log: Display name of hidden columns
Current situation: In the activity log it is recorded if a column was hidden. But the name of the hidden columns is not visible. So it isn't traceable who has hidden which column. Requirement: Add the name of the hidden columns to the activity log.
Get the sheet name to reference it in automation email
Use case: User wants to setup an automation email where the sheet name can be referenced as a parameter in the subject and email text (e.g. {{sheet.name}}). Current issue: It isn't possible to reference the sheet name in automation email.
Business Plan Collections: Individual access control to sheets within a workspace
Hi, As i see now once we have shared a workspace with a set of people it is impossible to restrict access to sheets within that workspace. This is something which is highly annoying. Please do something to fix this.
New Recurring Backup Process is Confusing
As a SmartSheet user, I'd like the option of keeping the one-click download for recurring backups. The update requires me to go through each workspace, click through menus, and download myself. As a user, this feels like worse functionality (at least far less, or even not-automated.) It used to be one-click. The term…