Dropdown List option to hide 'Select All'
If a dropdown list can have multiple values in a cell it adds an option to 'Select All'. There should be an option the in properties to hide this where selecting all values makes no sense.
Gantt Chart - Colouring with shades/effects
Please allows colour with effects on them in Gantt chart bar colours. Would be great to has a dotted, cross-hatched coloured bar.
Report Grouping - Full collapse
Issue - If you have multiple groupings in a Report and you want the report to be Collapsed. There is no way to select what grouping you want to stay open/closed. In my example, I want the Region level to be shown but not the Quarters. there is no way to pick which group is the priority to stay open or closed. I think…
Document Visibility
I'd like to be able to label documents with different levels of confidentiality or viewing permissions. This will allow us to upload more documents and not have to worry about an outside vendor (utilizing Dynamic View) or anyone we don't want having the visibility to them. With this ability and being able to label the…
Separate column type for text and number
Smartsheet needs to have separate column types for text and numbers. I saw a discussion about this back in 2017 but it had been archived. The response from Smartsheet was rather dismissive, saying it would be more complicated and add more administration. I disagree, maybe more work for Smartsheet developers, but would be…
Populate Drop Down Lists using the members of Group
Hello -it would be great to be able to use a group already established in SmartSheet to fill/populate a drop list for a data point. Example - we have a SS group created for 40 project managers, I would like to type the name of the group in the drop down and the 40 names populate in the drop down list without having to type…
Standard folder location when adding source data
Hi, Another 2 cents from me; When for example adding a Dashboard in a Folder I am working in, and after that adding a Widget in that said Dash (like a Chart); When clicking Add Data the standardfolder is top domain. It would be nice that the folder is actually the one I am working in in stead of having to open the folder…
Descriptions for Reports
I would love an area where I can outline specific information, filter details, or specific usage instructions within a report when sharing with my team. Especially those that are mainly collaborators and don't spend as much time in Smartsheet.
Calendar App Task Owner displays Contact's full name instead of Contact's email
This idea is inspired by this very old and seemingly unresolved post. I've noticed that if you assign the Task Owner to a column that is type Contact list in the source sheet, it displays the full email on the Calendar (e.g. John.Doe@email.com) instead of the person's name (e.g. John Doe). This looks terrible. We rely…
Multiple Contacts in Calendar App Task Owner
Currently, the Calendar App only recognizes a contact list in the Task Owner field if the contact column is single-select. If the column is multi-select, the app returns an error when trying to enter information in this field from the "New Item" function and does not let you edit if there are already contacts in the field.…