Flexible dependencies
In our use case, we have dependent tasks that may start days/weeks/months after the preceding task, but when I manually set a start date that's not the immediately following date, it breaks the dependency. While I know that I can manually set lag times to accomplish my goal, this requires extra work to dial in the correct…
Report that looks like a Form
I would love to see a report that looks like the form that was built.
Providing the list of columns in the sheet order rather than A-Z
When building reports it would be ideal if the listing can be in the re-order of the columns rather than A-Z
Update Requests (save and update) even if not all complete
Update requests are a great feature and used a lot. However, for a number of our users, this could mean they receive maybe 10 or more to work through. The current behaviour requires the user to update all of them in the one session to complete an update. This can be difficult in terms of time, requiring additional…
Need Both OR and AND Options for a Filter
When setting up a filter for a worksheet, it would be better to be able to select OR/AND for each line. Currently, only having the options of either 'All conditions' or 'At least one condition' isn't sufficient for a filter. For example, if you want to filter to see rows assigned to Jane Doe and a visit date in the future…
When Using Search Bar, Add an Option to Find Next
In a worksheet, if you search in the search bar and then narrow the location to 'current sheet', you are presented with a list of the places in the sheet where that word appears. If you click on one, it opens. If that isn't the one you need, you must repeat the process and try another one on the list. Instead, if the one…
Option to select recipients of notices when a workflow becomes invalid
We currently have a sheet used by many internal and external users for customer service tickets and it includes a large number of workflow automations. There are multiple people that manage the sheet (monitor for issues, make changes/enhancements/etc.). However, if one of the workflows becomes invalid, a notification will…
Sending as Attachment: attach as EXCEL
The ability to customize or change the default attachment from PDF to Excel. Smartsheet defaults to PDF but many time we want the Excel version and users can forget to change the toggle when sending a form. There is currently no way to change or set a different default.
adjusting the way baseline columns generate
Hi, I would like to make it so if I turn on baselines, I can use currently existing columns for dates and variance, rather then having to generate new ones. The reason for this is so I can use those columns in pre-made reports that are consistent across all projects built from a template, rather than having to manually…
WorkApps / Possibility to see pages in the alphabetical order / groups per type (form, sheet, report
It will be easier to look for pages it pages are shown 1) in the alphabetical order, 2) forms / reports / sheets are grouped. Not the first added page comes first. As the results sheets, forms, reports are mixed and it takes time to re-arrange it manually.