Generate AI summaries for multiple rows at once
Currently, the AI text summary functionality is limited in that it needs to be run row by row. Can the functionality be updated to generate for multiple rows so that results are output simultaneously? This would result in a huge time savings. Thanks!
Resource Management - Set schedule for exporting analytics reports
the exporting analytics reports is currently manually triggered. Having the option to trigger or schedule the export of a report will be a great addition.
Conditional Charts in the Dashboard
I would like to display a KPI if a condition is true ([boolean field] = true). Scenario: I have a helper sheet checking data entries for errors and a second helper sheet counting the errors. I would like to display a KPI on the dashboard showing the count of errors only if errors exist. The KPI then points to a report that…
Sharing Projects in WorkApp in Bulk
It would be helpful to be able to share projects to new team members in bulk.
Resource Management - View Only Access
View Only Access for Non-licensed Users for Resources. We would see a lot of value if users who are not licensed could look at RM.
Automate attached files in smartsheet to a folder in file explorer
Hi all, For context, I download and rename contracts everyday. Files get downloaded to a smartsheet and i have to manually download them, change their name and find the appropriate folder(s) they belong in -in our BOX and then reattach these renamed contracts back into smartsheet. Rinse and repeat. HEELLPP!! Ultimately i…
Adding new fields to multiple sheets
I have situation where there are 100 different sheets with same fields in sheet summary. However now I need to add new field into the sheets. So should I go to each and every sheet and create new fields or is there any way to do it faster.
Send Data Shuttle Error Notifications to multiple people
The new feature related to Error Notifications for Data Shuttle has been really helpful. Can we have the ability to modify/add who the notifications go to, in addition to the workflow creator? It would be great if multiple people could be notified of a workflow failure.
Viewing pictures in Dynamic View without having to download the file.
There needs to be a way to view pictures and attachments in Dynamic View, like in sheets, without having to download them every time you want view them. I'm sure that Dynamic View was added after basic sheets and can't imagine why this functionality would be set up to force a download. This is the only function keeping us…
Alert Someone, shared to sheet as editor, viewer etc
At the moment in a workflow, the Alter Someone allows it to be sent to every shared with the sheet. It should be possible to choose whether its all, or just admin, editors or viewers.