Add Email Distribution Lists Functionality to Contact Columns & Workflows
Our team and company use email distribution lists frequently, so it would be incredibly useful to be able to assign an email distribution list to a contact column and workflows so all members on that list would be notified accordingly.
Automation - Improved "Change Cell Value" Action based on Cell Type
The "Change Cell Value" action when doing automation leaves a lot to be desired. Currently it seems to only be able to affect Text/Number, Dropdown, and Checkbox columns. There is a separate action to fill out a date for Date cells, but that is also very restrictive in that it only can enter the date of when the automation…
"Ticker Tape" Feature on Dashboards
Could a "ticker tape" feature be added to dashboards so that we could add important news, announcements, callouts, etc., that stream across the top or bottom of a given dashboard?
Weekend Indicator
I would like for smartsheet to provide the capability to leave Saturday and Sunday greyed out even though it is selected to be a working day. It helps break up the background and still provide the user with a quick reference as to how many weekends are being used.
Create your own Automation templates
Hello, It would be so helpful if I could create a automation template that I could use across all my sheets. Right now i have to re-create the automation for each of my sheets. I wish i could just copy my automation from my other sheet or create a saved personal template. Thank you, Peter Taylor
URL-Query on Dashboards
It would be extremely useful if there was a way to update a form by referencing it in the URL of the dashboard. For instance, referencing the form ID in the dashboard URL, and then referencing the columns in the form as done normally with URL-Query We have redundant tasks which have several columns in the form that need to…
Dynamic View - View Display & Details Panel, same tab or combined view
Once fields are selected for display in the View Display, can they be auto-added to the Details Panel for immediate configuration, rather than having to add them again? Or at least highlighted in the list on the View Display so I don't have to write them down or remember what I selected in the View Display to re-add them…
Mail merge capability with Outlook
Hi team, Would be great to create a mail merge type feature between a Sheet and Outlook. Right now we need to export this to Excel and then do the mail merge. Would be great to do this in SmartSheet manually or via an automation. Thanks, erik
Document generation via Excel or Word
Hi there, Thanks for adding the fillable PDF document generation. This is helpful, but a way to improve the document generation is the ability to create a Word or Excel file. As with the PDF doc gen tool, it would be helpful to generate a Word or Excel document from a row on a Sheet. Thanks, erik
More Intuitive Forms Interface
We need a more intuitive interface for navigating Forms within a sheet. We use forms to collect three different types of feedback from end users (Issues, Questions, Suggestions) for 28 different products. This means our feedback sheet has a total of 84 Forms. It is very difficult to navigate these Forms due to the large…