Request to Filter Deactivated Users from Contact List Columns
Currently when a column is setup to follow the "Contact List" functionality, the list of users it offers as selections includes users that have been marked as deactivated. Could Smartsheets instead exclude these users from the listing to ensure Project Managers don't accidentally assign task rows to users who are no longer…
Multi-Select Projects to "Update Reporting" in Control Center
Whenever a change is made to a blueprint in control center we are already disadvantaged by only being able to apply this change to future projects created from the blueprint. We can however, using Global Updates retroactively add certain rows to summary sheets that can be a proxy to apply changes to existing projects.…
Enable 'OR' filter in Dynamic Views
Please allow the capability to create 'OR' filters in dynamic views. Currently, i am able to create only 'AND' filters. This will greatly help in team meeting facilitation and program management across complex, inter-dependent work streams.
More than one Baseline + Comments
Dear all, To enhance Smartsheet as a comprehensive PM Application, my company and I find that a crucial feature, baseline management, currently needs to be added. While the ability to set baselines is valuable, the limitation of only being able to set one baseline is a constraint. We propose the implementation of a feature…
Calendar App - ICS Link for Sharing
Hello - when trialing the Calendar App - it gave me all of the functionality I needed to be able to share a calendar externally. However, I want to be able to integrate this calendar on our secure website. I need an ICS link to do so. ICS links are available if you take normal smartsheet grid and view it in Calendar mode,…
Use the End date and dependencies to drive the project timings
When a project and tasks are set up with dependencies and durations, the project manager should be able to drive all task dates based on the project end date, not just the start date. Often mid project the delivery date needs to be changed. With Smartsheet, a project manager needs to adjust the duration of all tasks…
Sheet Summary and Row Global Updates
As my team is starting to use Smartsheet Control Center more to standardize ongoing projects, two areas for global update improvements came up. As of now, we are unable to globally update fields in the sheet summary area, and we cannot add the same row to a set of templated projects. If both of these could be added as…
Data Mesh Execution Frequency
Hello, I have been having a lot of timing issues with Data Mesh due to the lack of flexibility surrounding the execution time. It would be very helpful to be able to select the hour and day for the weekly execution frequency option and the hour for the daily execution frequency. For example, my business holds a weekly…
Make Hiding & Unhiding columns an Automation function
Perhaps my "search foo" is a bit rusty, but I could not find an existing suggestion for this specific issue, only several tangentially related suggestions. I believe this is pretty self-explanatory. I have sheets with several checkbox columns that are typically hidden, but often need to be unhidden to perform some action.…
Additional elements for Dynamic View (to add additional heading/description, Divider like form)
I decided to use Dynamic view as Form instead of Smartsheet Form because you can use Multi-Contact select in the Dynamic View Form. However, it does not have option to add additional Heading/Description or Divider... it'll be nice if we could that.