Integrate Smartsheet Baseline with Resource Management Time Budget
We are utilizing Smartsheet for Project Management. We use a Project Plan sheet to set the schedule (start and end dates) and then set the baseline for the project. We're utilizing control center to create each of our projects in Resource Management as well, linked through the Project Plan. It would be helpful if the…
Copy and paste into URL link
Whilst in the program I’ve found that you can’t copy and paste a URL address into the URL link. Has to be typed in manually.
Merge row attachments and/or automatically rename attachments
We regularly have up to 5-6 attachments per row and periodically transfer the attachments for each row into our business system as one file. It has become cumbersome to merge each row and rename everything. Currently, we are renaming the files on each row the same, then using a program to merge items with the same name,…
Can we reduce refresh time in Data Shuttle from 15 minutes to 5 minutes
Do we have any other way to write live data to Smartsheet , since there is 15 minutes lag with the Shuttle If not, any e API to trigger manual run the workflow in Data Shuttle, that can shared with user
Community Badge for ALL Certifications!
I love my Core Product Certification Badge but would love to also display my Project Management Certification on my Community Profile (and earn points for it too!). I don’t have a Sys Admin Certification, but I don’t see that one is available either and I’m sure folks who’ve earned that would like to wear it proudly in the…
Toggle to Require All Fields on a Form
Sometimes I’m creating a very long form that needs to have all fields as required and I need to go through each individual field and toggle it on. Would love a magic button to make all fields on a form required.
Alert PRIOR to a workflow becoming invalid
Sheet owners and admins should receive an alert PRIOR to a workflow becoming invalid - this would give the owner/admin the opportunity to take action on what will cause the workflow to become invalid and keep workflows moving as designed. An alert will help owners/admins manage things like volume, capacity limits, and the…
Automation to receive notifications for when there is a new sheet attachment
An automation for only receiving a notification on when an attachment is uploaded to the SHEET ONLY
Collapse Hyperlinking Search Box
When you insert a hyperlink to a Smartsheet Item, and click <select sheet>, the menu defaults to all workspaces and folders expanded. Although you can use the search box at the top to filter the list down, it is still cumbersome if you are trying to link to a sheet with a common name like "Issue Log" or "Project Plan". I…
Merged: Form to Modify Existing Row
This discussion has been merged.