Radio buttons and checkboxes for dropdown lists
I would love the option to display a dropdown list column in a sheet as either radio buttons (for single-select) or checkboxes (for multi-select). I often use dropdown list columns with 2 or 3 options, and having those options displayed as radio buttons or checkboxes in the cell would be more convenient than having to…
Copy/move row workflow specify columns
For the copy/move row actions in an automated workflow, it would be nice to specify only specific columns to be copied/moved over to the destination sheet. For a lot of my sheet-to-sheet workflows, I have columns in my origin sheet which serve no purpose in the destination sheet. Even though I can hide those columns in the…
Fields to be allowed to be side by side
Hello, I'm creating a form to capture new data for employee changes, on the form it would be great to be able to have fields side by side so end user can compare. Is that something that could be possible in the near future?
Allow links to use "ms-word:ofe|u|" to force opening Word links in desktop app
To force opening MS Office links in the desktop app you can usually add "ms-word:ofe|u|" at the start of the link, however Smartsheet forces https:// at the start of the link. Please allow to use app URI schemes in the links to enable this.
Keep Search Text in Data Shuttle Workflows List
I have well over 100 Data Shuttle workflows, and they are cumbersome to work with. I appreciate the ability to search, but I've found that I have to re-enter my text in the search field over and over again as I'm moving in and out of workflows. If I click into a workflow to view something, when I return to the main…
User Subscription Model - User Type and True-up Page Enhancement
Greetings, When managing users within the User Type and True-up page of the Admin Center, the Highest Level of Permissions plays a vital part in establishing whether an Internal or External is considered as a billable Member, whether initially Provisional not. While downgrading an External today from Provisional Member…
Attachments in Comments Do Not Flow into the Dynamic View Comment Nor Attachment Tab
Background - An internal application has an alias as a support hub for Administrators. - A Ticketing tool was built in Smartsheet with a Dynamic View for Requestors. - Requestors can be the application Administrator, End User or Stakeholder. Deficiency - Administrators require proof that the internal application error…
Export PDF's Links from Latest Comments
Would it be possible to view the PDF's uploaded onto the Latest Comments Row? So far, when the data is exported into Power Bi, any PDF's attachement aren't viewable, as the URL for the attachments doesn't seem to be stored within the export. I would like to be able to view the SmartSheet attachments within Power BI, which…
Add Connectivity to Power Apps
In Power Apps, there looks to be a perisistent issue with connecting to SmartSheets and creating a form. This sadly means the Power Bi reports I have created cannot have Power App intergration, which would have allowed editing of SmartSheet data directly from Power Bi. Are their any planned workarounds for this?
dashboard filter
It would be great if you could have filters on the dashboard for the user. For example being able to show the participants in a project, and then being able to filter between males and females or other criteria.