Hours/Minutes in Project Sheet
I want to be able to make standardized work documents for changeovers/process information. I can't do that in smartsheet due to the lack of hours/minutes in the project sheets (I want to have the gantt chart to the right) Of course I could do something like scale it with the days with 1 day = 1 hr and just ignore the wrong…
Allow 'Print' from attachment view or Proofing Features
Up until today, users were able to click on an attachment in a sheet which would pull up a view of the attachment in a new web tab. There was a print option in the web view of the attachment. Today clicking on an attachment takes you to a new Proofing Features view which doesn't have a print option. Please either add the…
Locking of Columns by Groups
Please add the capability to lock/unlock fields/columns for editing by Group Assignment. While Groups can be assigned with or without editing permissions to a sheet, Columns can only be locked for editing so that only administrators can edit locked columns. Being able to assign permissions that would only allow users in…
easier references to other sheets
Hi all, I prefer to use references of the form {sheet_name Range 1} rather than using the "link from cell in other sheet..." because the formula can be copied to another cell where trying to copy the direct-linked cell only copies the value, not the link. If I have a lot of cells all linked to a particular cell in another…
Move Line without files attached
I would like to be able to move one line from one sheet to another sheet without the files attached. I would like to be able to choose if I want to share the files attached in the next log sheet or not. This could be very helpful.
Add multiple Bill Rate lines
By adding more than 1 bill rate line, Project Managers can compare billed rate versus cost rate for financial projections.
Reactions to Comments
I would love to be able to react to a comment, so the poster knows I see it without me having to type a new response. Thinking "Thumbs Up" / "Thumbs Down" / "Heart" / "Laugh"
Individual License Options
It would be really nice to have more options when having an individual account that is just one license. I use my personal license to handle home income budgets and chores for the house, but my reports for the family is restrictive without being able to group and summarize. Please Please come out with more options for the…
Control Center Project Link - Global Change to Rename & HyperLink Change
Please consider added Control Center global change functionality to be able to rename the project links for already provisioned projects. In addition add a control center global change to be able to change the associated hyper link for the already provisioned projects. I run a control center blueprint program for a large…
Dynamic View Folders
Would like to be able to group dynamic views in a folder for like departments or allow tagging on dynamic views for sorting and filtering