Preserve original formatting in automated alerts
Dear Smartsheet team, I found that the automatically generated table by Smartsheet and incorporated to email (generated as a part of Alert someone automation workflow) for some reason lost the formatting of cell, f.i. if on the original Smartsheet webpage the cell is colored in green and text is bold in email I see regular…
Allow ISO 8601 Date format for dates (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss)
ISO 8601 is an international data standard and a part of two national standards in the United States. "The standard provides a well-defined, unambiguous method of representing calendar dates and times in worldwide communications, especially to avoid misinterpreting numeric dates and times when such data is transferred…
Create Email from cell data
It would be great if we could add emails to cells and make them actual links that would open a new email.
Reorder Pinned Recently Opened Sheets
It would be great to have the ability to reorder the pinned sheets in the Recents tab. Pinning a new sheet automatically adds it to the top of the list, and the only way to reorder sheets to keep certain sheets at the top is to unpin then re-pin all the sheets. I would like to group my pinned sheets by project or use case,…
Resend Update Request Option
It would be really nice to have the ability to resend (with option to cc myself) a pending update request. Or maybe duplicate rather than having to create a new request from scratch. Sometimes collaborators state that they didn't receive the email requesting the update. My only option is to create a new request from…
Multiple delete/disable for conditional formatting
Currently, I have to click on each conditional formatting rule and click disable or delete on a sheet. Major use for a check box type list so that I can either disable, delete, or modify multiple formatting rules together.
Send an email update to a row without direct email integration
Many project management and CRM tools I've used provide an email address for each project in order to use it to forward an email update directly to the row (or use the CC with this email so the email record goes directly into the row comments/conversation). Smartsheets should offer the ability to view the address (for…
Accessible link in automation message
Currently, the automation sends a link in an email as is, meaning the link text and the link URL are the same. This does not meet our accessibility criteria for long and meaningless links. What it looks like today (made up link, not real): What it should look like: Select the entry form And when the user selects the link,…
Organizing Attachments by Folders
I am trying to use Smartsheet to manage several grant programs, from the application process to post-award reporting. The platform lends itself to do this easily, but one nuisance is having to deal with a lot of attachments without any way to organize them. It would be so much easier if we were able to organize attachments…
Restore Row Number in Alerts
Before the recent cosmetic changes made to Smartsheet email alerts, there was a row number referenced for any row being alerted on. After the changes, this row referenced was removed, so there's no way to find the row within the sheet unless you Ctrl + F information from the alert. Having a way for the person being alerted…