Email Notification : Removing the "Personal Email" on the "Changes made by" details
I saw that there were recent updates regarding email notification we set up through Automation. We can now choose "Send from Smartsheet Automation" and "Send from my organization". Currently using the option "Send from my organization" and then the messages includes "Links to sheet and specific fields" option on the "Alert…
Alternate Approach to "Latest Comment"
Right now, the Latest Comment column pulls in the latest comment from the row comments/conversation. Would be nice to have the Latest Comment also be able to pull text from a column directly to the left or right of Latest Comment. Concept would be entering multiple comments over the course of several days, weeks, etc.,…
Create Project in Resource Management from a Smartsheet Report
I would like to get data from a client's Smartsheet into Resource management, however their work is not formatted properly for me to be able to do so. In addition, there are rows of info that are not relevant to my team. I could make a report to pull the data I need, but I cannot create a project for Resource Management…
Smartsheet Form URL Customisation
Could be more useful if there is a feature to customize the outward facing link.
Dynamic View - New Item Submission Options
I would like the ability to reload the new item submission form in a dynamic view to submit another entry. Similar to the functionality that exists within a SmartSheet Form. I get the option to show a success message, redirect them to a URL or reload for another entry. I want my users to have a dynamic view that loads…
Allow cell to cell dependencies to prevent cell modifications
In my scenario, I need someone to take a sequence of steps in order by changing different cells. Without being aware of it, some users are skipping to a later step that looks 'obvious' to them and missing a previous step. They mark an action as complete, while another field is blank and makes it look like the request…
Dropdown list - when selecting multiple values, maintain cursor at selected value
When selecting multiple values from a drop list, the cursor moves to the window where selected values are displayed, requiring the user to begin scrolling from the top of the list again. It would be helpful if after selecting a value, the cursor remained at the value that was selected, to allow the user to continue…
Looking for a link between the dropped file on a line and
Hi, Recently by error, I lost few lines from a Smarthseet, and these lines included attached files, through the automated back up, I was able to recover the dated and the files that I lost. However, I have hard time to identify the right files to the right lines. Do you know if there is any way to identify the name of the…
Make list in Control Center fully visible
I'm not able to see the end of the project list in Control Center because it is obscured by the bottom bar. Can this be fixed? See screenshot.
Activity Log: Ability to track when rows are sent via email
I use Smartsheet to track invoices for my department, and I send invoices to be paid by using the "Send" feature, which includes all necessary invoice processing information along with links to the attachments. I currently don't have a way of confirming what rows I sent as the activity log does not track this activity.…