file upload into cell
Same as tile- I need photos to appear in cells. so I can get them out. I'm sure you hear this 10x a day.
Timed Access
Hi, I want to ask if it is possible to create a workflow temporary grant/share access to Smartsheet items (Workspace, Sheets, Reports, or/and Dashboard)? My organization has a quite a number of people that temporarily need access to specific Smartsheet items and it's a bit of hassle keeping track of users so as to take…
GenerativeAI Help Creating Sheet Summary Metrics
Sometimes when making complex dashboards and scorecards, we have to create sometimes a hundred or more metrics on a particular sheet's summary. It would be awesome if the GenAI features could help you at least create the fields in the sheet summary. I am OK to adjust the formula as required, but the most time consuming…
Follow-up survey emails from Support
Hi Smartsheet. When a case is closed and a survey is emailed, can it please include a description with the case number? Thanks.
Touchscreen drag & drop in Calendar view
Please add the ability to drag and drop with a touchscreen from within the Calendar view. We use a Vibe board to plan the upcoming weeks, so the Calendar view is invaluable.
Make showing Sheet forms in the navigation pane optional
My team just alerted me to a couple of updates on the web version and that I didn't notice on the desktop version. I feel more comfortable using desktop app. If I may, can you make showing Sheet forms in the navigation pane optional? It's going to cause some confusion. My team tends to create multiple version of the same…
Site Page for users
I would like to have the ability to build a system that when the use enters an issue with a piece of equipment that it will appear on the main Dashboard. But here is where I am looking for a better way. I would like the user to be able to click on the link or do a search on the fly for the issue and have a form pop up so…
Remove a notifications for the logged in user when adding Comments
Hi Smartsheet, I created an automation based on the "Alert someone when specified criteria are met." My challenge is that I do not want to receive a notification if I make a change to the smartsheet (this includes comments). I went into Settings/Personal Settings and I removed the check in "Include my changes in sheet…
Board View Details Panel: Locked Fields & Formula indicators Next to the Title
Currently, in the Edit Details pane of the new Board View, any fields (columns) that are locked or are formulas, display the respective icon underneath the input box and show a full description – "This field is locked and can only be edited by…" or "Formula fields can't be edited…". It would be better if these lock and fx…
Send License Invite from the Licensed User people list
When licensing a user - from archived, unmanaged or managed User you need to go into that User you want to invite which takes several clicks and browser back button which takes approximately 20 seconds to do. Why not just have a simple one click at the Licensed User People screen. This would be a time saver - I have 250…