Open Sheet in New Tab When Select Hyperlink in Report
I would like to be able to open my linked sheet in a new window when I select the hyperlink from a report. I have very lengthy reports that pull in hundreds of sheets. When reviewing data, I'll expand and collapse grouped data as I work my way down the report. I occassionally need to navigate to the underlying sheet to…
Provide Ability for Admins to Proxy as Another User
Please provide the ability for Smartsheet Admins to proxy in as another user and test their view out. I was building a report and I wanted to make sure that users who received it could only edit certain columns. Instead of proxying in as an Editor, I had to schedule a meeting with someone with that access and have him…
Cross-Sheet Dependencies
Effective management of project programs demands careful consideration of inter-project dependencies since tasks in one project can impact or rely on tasks in another project. We kindly request information about your plans for introducing cross-sheet dependencies in Smartsheet. Could you please confirm if this feature is…
Salesforce Connector API version Update
Need to have SF Connector be able to interact and use data from API Version 38 or newer. See response from support below. Without this ability to interact with the newer API the connector cannot be used for all the reasons we spend money to use it for. Scheduling and Field service data is not able to be interacted with…
Open hyperlinks within Proofs
It would be useful for reviewers to be able to click on and test any urls embedded within a proof (such as pdf).
Include dates on the predecessor details
When you click into the predecessor details to see what number is tied to what task, you should also include the start and finish dates so we can tell which one is the ultimate driver for the automated date.
Remove Character Title Limits
There is a need to add more than 50 characters to a sheet title. This restriction should be removed to align with industry standard filename strategies. Unless the applicaiton is 32bit, there should be no reason to limit the titles of sheets. Due to this limitation, I have to abbeviate business terminology for all…
Dashboards: open Reports in new window
Is it possible to change the behavior of the dashboard so that if a chart item links to a report it can open in a separate window? Currently, when clicking on a chart it replaces the dashboard. For instance, want to hold the Ctrl key while clicking on the chart and having it load in a separate window. Thank you.
Auto refresh formula fields in a report
When you try to update the value of the cell that will trigger the calculated fields in your Report, it will automatically update on the sheet but it doesn’t reflect in your Report as you have to refresh it before seeing the updated value. Please always automatically refresh the Report to see the updated value of the…
Edit fields directly in 'View Summary' in Dynamic View vs. using Details Panel
It would be much more efficient in Dynamic view for editing fields if you could just click into the field and edit it right there instead of having to click on the field, wait for the Details Panel to open, then scroll through the list of options and enter the data into the details panel. From an administrator point of…