New User Role: Collaborator
Problem: the current user roles are very limited to control structural changes on the spreadsheets, such as add/delete columns, add/delete rows & change columns titles, and letting the user modify cells content. Admin / Edit - let the user to change the file structure and modify cells ** This creates chaos as anyone that…
Data shuttle offload to Google Sheets
Hi can you please add file type google sheets to the offload file along with the existing excel and CSV. Many Thanks Shaun
Generate an one time passcode for Form Submission
Hi Smartsheet team, I like to suggest to have a one time passcode for form submission as I like to collect information when needed and do not want user to share the link to others. As the request of info is going to use for exception request and do not want our users to freely share the link.
100,000 cells cross reference feature request
Hi Smartsheet team, It would be a good idea to include a function/feature to find out if i am near 100,000 total limit of cells referenced in cross-sheet references (for the index match). Thank you! Ling
Save a report as a new Grid
It would be incredibly useful if I could save a custom report as a new grid. I recently had been collecting rows by a created report. But determined to take that report and make a new grid from it. There was no easy way to do this. I had to download the data to CSV, then copy and paste it back into a new grid. It seems…
Delete in calendar view
Be able to delete an entry in calendar view instead of having to go to the grid view to delete the entry.
Bounced Automated Emails
It would be super useful to be able to get a notification to the default email address for your account when an automated email gets bounced back (due to a bad email address, for example). I know that an 'email undeliverable' message is sent back to you when you try and send an email to a deactivated or invalid address, so…
Table on Dashboard
I would like to propose adding the ability to add a simple table to a dashboard within the formatting of "Rich Text" for simple items, without having to build a sheet and / or report. This would eliminate an extra step for simple data in table format, keep dashboards looking clean, readable and sharp and also minimize the…
Data Shuttle Formatting for Multi Select Fields
In a world that looks at automations and limit human intervention to reduce risk and resources, the standardization of how data is imported and exported through Data Shuttle is inconsistent forcing human intervention as a work around. It would be helpful if the export/offload of multi select fields through Data Shuttle can…
Pasting into single cells as multiple values
I would like the ability to paste separated information from outside applications, such as Word or Excel into single cells in Smartsheet as multiple values. An example in Word would be 20 separate items separated by semicolons, or some other symbol. When pasted into a single Smartsheet cell, they would auto-separate…