Data Table CSV export
The ability to export the contents of a Data Table into a csv format
Update Template
I would like to see an option to edit/update a template without using the template to create a sheet, editing the sheet, and saving as a new template. The current process creates additional templates that might have to be renamed and then removed. If we could edit the template itself, it would make the process much easier…
Auto-Update Report Column Names
This is a request to automate updating the report columns when the underlying sheet's column name is changed. After the new Smartsheet release that connects the old column names with the new ones, there are more clicks required to update the report's column names. The extra step is having to disconnect the old name from…
Remove Column Headers in Report Widget
Report Widgets when using only 1 column are very difficult to design and integrate into a dashboard. You can either not have a title but then it does not match other widgets or use a title but then it basically has 2 titles. See below images. Without title: With Title: The option to remove the column headers would allow…
Group Management - Sorting Contact List Alphabetically
Today it appears group lists are sorted by date added (can't really tell)? It is not sorted alphabetically, which would be more helpful.
To be able to modify/update certain column setting using Approval Workflow
In the Approval Request workflow, we need to be able to modify some of the columns in the approval path instead of adding another action to follow. As our approver "approves" in the Approval workflow, our approver needs to add additional information in the column. If we use update request, this creates 2nd…
Dashboard Widget transfer when deleting a user
Hi, this is a huge gap currently in the system imho that when a users account is deleted, you can transfer all owned items to another user, but widgets on dashboards cannot be transferred and end up in errors. I had to remove a former System Admin from our System who owned a lot of dashboard widgets and found out…
Default Drop Down Value
It would be nice if when a row is created any column with a dropdown list was able to have a default value in the cell until updated. This would help instead of having it just blank until someone updates it (such as a not started value until it is updated).
Allow Parent Row Update Request to Include Children Rows
The idea: When creating an Update Request for a parent row, allow the selection and inclusion of Children rows. When creating an Update Request, you can specify which columns you want to include in the request. I recently encountered a situation where I wanted a user to update a section of rows (Parent + 5-6 Children). In…
Renaming Column Name in Report
1) Is it possible to change the Name of Column in Report instead of Source Sheet. 2) Auto Columns name is appearing in the Report instead of Column Name (Ex. Created by , Modified By, Created Date and Modified Date). Is there any way to change System Columns name in the Report. Thanks for your support. Best regards.