Need Account Names for Contractor License
My contractors work many clients for us at the same time. They can't see where to post their time. Make this ability optional pls.
Hours on gant
Please can you look at hours in gant view? Thanks
Multiple Form Submission
Hi - Our team is using SS to conduct audits. Audits include a documentation review (did we follow a process) as well as a visual audit to based on outputs from the doc review. We'd benefit from having one form populate a row and then activate a second form for follow up with the visual component later in the day.
Asset Control Settings for Admins
Would love to see the ability to disable Editor-can share and admin options by system admins. Since we are healthcare sometimes our sheets contain sensitive data and if we had the capability to turn off the share options from the admin center we could keep to our minimal necessary sharing standards. This option would…
merge history and management
we can merge users but we can't see what happened before. we would be able to see merged user list and would be better to split users from each other when it is needed.
Highlight cell feature (Background Color)
I like to highlight cells and also turn off the highlighting manually to track revisions. It would be great if I could easily toggle between the two. Normal operation: When highlighter (cell fill) is set to color and I select an uncolored cell, it will fill with color. Feature: Highlighter remains selected with color.…
Institutional Partnership: PMI and IIC
It could be great if Smartsheet, as an organization could partner with the Project Management Institute (PMI) and the Institute for Internal Controls (IIC) for great collaboration on projects standardization and many other areas. Thank you, Hector J. Arocha
Visability Menu for the columns of a sheet
A menu option for a sheet where you can control the order columns are in, and if the column is hidden or not would be very useful for large sheets. Thanks
Character Limit on Grid Dropdown
Hello, I believe increasing the character limit in the dropdown cell type in the grid would be significantly beneficial. 250 characters per item is not enough for some "wordy" options.
Download ALL Pages in Template as PNG
We have a need to download ALL pages designed in templates as PNGs. We create customizable art for social media and currently BrandFolder only allows you to download the first page of the template art unless it's a PDF. This renders other pages in the template worthless. We should have the capability to download every…