Allow file upload extensions to be all caps
It took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out why I couldn't upload a MS Project file. I don't use or have a license for MS Project but am working to convert others to Smartsheet. The file I was given was named something along the lines of "FileName.MPP" and I kept getting an error on the upload. Eventually, I…
Text Decoration in Higher-Priority Conditional Formatting Rules
Current state example: Two conditional formatting rules. The lower-priority one sets font weight to bold. The higher-priority one sets font weight to normal (not bold). The result, in a row that triggers both rules, is that the font weight remains bold. It is not overridden by the higher-priority rule. Desired state: The…
ActiveCell References, COLUMN and ROW Functions
I want to make a sheet summary field return whatever is in row 6 of the activecell's column. It has to dynamically change with the cell's position. Similarly, based upon the activecell's row, I want to return the value of Column 2 of that row. Excel has a feature for ActiveCell which then you can use Offset or Index to…
Resource Management Analytics - Conditional Logic
When creating a new report in Resource Management Analytics there is no conditional logic between the filtering options. It would be ideal that when Client A is selected, the relevant Projects to Client A are displayed, at the moment all projects are displayed for all clients. I need to include client name in the project…
Create a Splunk App for Smartsheet
I would like to see an Official Splunk App for Smartsheet available on https://splunkbase.splunk.com/ that we can use to sync Smartsheet events into Splunk. Thank you, Tim
Call APIs from a formula
Alternate title: Make the most requested calls to an (ideally every) API available as formulas. Often in the community, someone will ask how to do something in a formula. Often, the response is, "You can do that in the API.", or "Just use the API". Here is one of many examples: "How do I look up last week's value of a…
Forms autofill with the uploaded document
My suggestion is to have the form you upload automatically fill out the Smartsheet form. This will eliminate the need to fill in the Smartsheet form. If this could be done you can always change the form if you need to after the information from your upload is auto-filled into the Smartsheet form. This would be a time saver.
Have a field automatically filled out based on who is filling out the field
When my team is entering in projects, each engineer enters his own project. Currently we have to select our own name from a drop down, but having it be editable but already filled out in the form would help.
Removing the 100% resource allocation limit
In our projects, we are using a Master Gantt (managed by the project manager) where the resources are generic (like skills) and we would parreciate to have the possibility for a skill to exceed 100% on a task (this would means the task requires more that one person. This allows us to build an estimate of the resources…
Resource Manager - ability to select field in reports
The reports that can be generated in Resource Manager are quite limited and lack flexibility. I t would be great to be able to select additional fields to the reports. The ability to filter is great, but not so useful is you cannot see all the fields relevant to the filtered group.