Ability to Set a Workflow for a Specific Row
We use Smartsheet for project management. The stakeholders would like a notification when the timeline for the project increases. The ability to set a workflow to trigger if a date field is greater than a specified date would also be helpful.
Default Behavior When Opening Workapps
Currently the default behavior when opening Workapps is filtered to "Workapps Shared With You." It should either open first to "All" or "Owned by you" or allow the user to select a default option that they want to see each time they open the app.
Additional tool tips
Would be great to have hovering tool tips for widgets in Dashboards. Also on Reports, if the column description could carry forth from the sheet, would be great.
Customizable Permissions
Often times I find that I need to give further permissions to users, but don't want to give them unfettered access to sheets. Often times my Project Managers need to add an additional item to a drop-down menu, add an additional column to track a specific need, reorder columns to fit their needs, or adjust lanes in card…
Workflows and Automations Alerts
Hello, Currently, the sheet owner is sent a notification when a workflow fails to trigger due to errors. Often times, the sheet owner delegates this task to another team member to manage. The creator of the workflow should have the ability to create alerts to proactively address these scenarios. Ty!!!
Auto Number be a Primary
Working with databases, including FileMaker, Access, and AirTable, there was a Primary or key field required which was to be unique. To me, that means the data in the Primary column should never be able to repeat. Currently, Text/Number is used for Primary. That may work in some projects, but it is not effective.…
Show Form Submission Email as coming from user logged in
It would be helpful to my group to be able to show a Forms submission as coming from the user who completed the form. We are going to use this functionality to submit service desk tickets, and it is part of the functionality of the service desk software to log the email an email is sent from and use that email to respond…
Sheet API Info
Something you can reference on a sheet to see what APIs are attached and who the owner of the API is. Pivot, DataMesh, DynamicView, WorkApp, etc. You need a method to ensure you don't break something but you have to know what could be broken first. Related to the Sheet Statistics request.
Scatter Chart: switch horizontal and vertical axis
For a scatter chart I picked the Primary column (Partner Name) and two colomns with percentages from a roll up sheet. Per default the % is shown in the vertical axis and the partner names in the horizontal axis. We would like to switch these two axis for more clarity. This is not possible right now.
Pivot Sharing
I've developed a couple Pivots and Data Shuttle processes to do some data manipulation on a monthly basis. Unfortunately, I can't share these processes with others on my team--I can only transfer ownership completely. This is a pain point when we have scheduled vacations or just need someone to cover something in an pinch.…