Update to the Published versions of dashboards and reports
Instead of saying View Only, I would suggest an update to View of .......... This will allow that dashboard or report to be a friendly presentation instead of so rigid.
I have linked a cell in a template sheet to the same cell in the various iterations of the template but unable to then convert the formula in each sheet to Column Formula. Could this be considered as it could save a lot of time if a formula needs changed for any reason as updating the template would automatically update…
Dynamic View - Download All Attachments at Once
Hi, We need a way to download all attachments in a Dynamic View at one time (vs having to download them one by one). This is an available feature in the regular sheets. How do we do this in dynamic view? thx
Drag drop photos into Cell
Currently, if you drag a photo to any Row it attaches this. I love this BUT when I want a photo in a cell, I have to Insert and browse. Options for Idea. Drag and drop, give an option for photos to be attached or go in cell right-click, insert image, allow drag and drop into a box to put it in a cell. Photos in cells are…
Allow form users to create individual templates of the form for repeat use
We use an intake form for users to provide order instructions. We offer the user the opportunity to get a copy of their responses. Please provide a way for them to save the form with their standard information so that when they need to submit a new order, they do not need to re-enter all the standard data. It could be an…
Allow formulas to function in reports
Currently formulas do not update while in a report. If a value changes, you must refresh the report or window to see the updated formula. This creates a lot of confusion since we use reports to gather updates, which results in me being told "your smartsheet is broken" because the formula columns do not update.
Links from a sheet need to be clickable in DynamicView Details Panel
Links from a sheet show properly in a DynamicView View Display. They are clickable (which prevents the Detail Panel from opening!) When the Details Panel does open, the link turns into regular text and is not clickable. If the link was originally a manually created hyperlink, it is clickable. However, this behaviour makes…
Ability to Embed qTest Insight report into Dashboard Widget
I would like the ability to embed a qTest insight report into a Dashboard widget for consolidated reporting instead of just a link to the report.
Import a formula via workflow
I was playing around with the workflow and almost got a formula imported However after the formula got added it leaves a ' mark before the formula , that must be manually be removed for it to actually take effect Kind Regards Brandon Austin
Share Data Mesh Configs with other Admins
I would love to be able to allow other Admins to see/edit my Data Mesh configs.