Carryover "Annual Calendar by Day" from year-to-year
We’ve been building out a basic version of a booking calendar using the “Annual Calendar by Day” template. However there’s a small hiccup I’ve encountered as we approach the end of the calendar year. I can change my view from 2022 to 2023 using the highlighted cell in Row 1 of the sheet. But when I do so, it carries all my…
Smartsheet dashboard template to be saved as Template
we need to have option to save as Template with the selected formats, so that we can utilize the same template to create similar dashboard just changing the data source. which saves our time. Currently we can save with name as template, but whenever we change the DataSource the format will also change and we need to format…
Developing a Chinese version will greatly increase the usage of samrtsheet
As the best project management tool, Smartsheet is very convenient as a project management application. If develop a version valiable in Chinese, based on a large number of Microsoft office accounts in China, it will increase the use of smartsheet in the Chinese region, and it will also benefit the accumulation of…
WorkApps Sheet Filtering
Allow users to create and save their own personal filters on sheets in WorkApps.
DataMesh Filtering
It would be helpful to have the ability to filter data when using Datamesh. (Please, not a report, they break so easily.)
Workflow to delete a value in a cell with multiple selection
Hello! I have a workflow idea I would love to incorporate into my worksheets. We have a few columns which have multiple selections in a single cell. If you can create a workflow that will only delete a certain value in that cell that be amazing. It would help our work be more automated as possible.
Google Maps Pin drop pulled from Lat/Long's in sheet column
Create a google maps or google earth view that will utilize GPS or addresses in the sheet to populate pin drops on the map. Also have the ability to conditional format the pin drops per column properties. Such as scheduled work - Green pins, Unscheduled work - Orange pins etc.
Highlight conflicting predecessor relationships
It is possible to create predecessor relationships that are not possible. Consider: Task C is supposed to finish at the same time as Task A, but it can't because of other constraints. Currently, SmartSheet silently ignores a condition like this. This happens to me when trying to build a project around external constraints…
Card View that displays the Months & Dates are in Chronological Order
View All Comments in a Report
It would be nice if you were able to view all comments in a report similar to when in a sheet. You have to go row by row to see each comment individually. A tab with all comments would be helpful.