Show icons for proofs and attachments in board view
Hello! Can we please add the attachment and proof icons as a default in board view? My marketing and creative team is used to the card view for projects. They keep thinking that projects are missing attachments and proofs since the icons are not visible in card view. I have been advising them to switch to card view or…
Increase sheet row and column limits
Hi Guys, What is the possibility to increase the row (20 000) and column capacity? I'm working for a company that headcount surpasses the 20 000 mark which makes it extremely difficult to utilize smartsheets, which we really want to do. This would truly make a huge difference in building a database etc.
Formatting emails using automation
It would be great to be able to format the text of the emails that can be used for the workflows (bold, highlight, font, color). That would help make the text more readible for the recipient.
Automation Workflows- Enhancing Microsoft Teams Notifications for Smartsheet Assignments
We’ve noticed that after reauthenticating Smartsheet in November 2024, Teams notifications for task assignments no longer include links to the specific Smartsheet or other details in an organized way. Suggestions for Improvement: Include Links: Add links to the relevant Smartsheet and task directly in the Teams…
Copy/Move Attachments between Rows
It would greatly increase efficiency if we could move attachments between rows by drag and dropping them. Please let me know if this is something that can be added.
Display hours in a day on gantt and agenda view
For tasks lasting less than 1 day, it should be nice to have them displayed on a daily level gannt planning (with hours as sub-level) and also shown as events on a calendar.
Add a Button To Collapse Or Expand a Grouped Report in a Dashboard
It would be nice if we could have it both ways on a dashboard. It can be frustrating that you can't collapse a grouped report if the person that set it up set it up expanded and vice versa. There could be a button somewhere on the report that collapses all or expands all.
Reference Auto ID column and other fields in automated Comment emails
Context: When entering comments, the automated email that gets sent when @someone is used references the row number of the comment. Row numbers change as items are added and removed, which can lead to confusion when only referencing the row number. Using the Auto-Generate Row ID functionality provides a static identifier…
Sort column containing dates in chronological order
· Problem: It is not possible to sort a column containing dates by chronological order · Use Case: list of annual leave for employees working on a project · Ideal Solution: Enable sort by: chronological order for a column containing dates
Delete Rows using an Automation
Please create automation to delete Rows. Using the move rows automation, we are able to move records to an archive sheet. The problem then becomes we have to manually delete records from the archive sheet.