Direct Email Approval Button for Smartsheet Automation Workflows
Integrate a direct approval button within the email notification itself that allows users to approve or reject requests without the need to transition to a web browser. This button would perform the same security checks and record the same audit trails as the current browser-based approval, ensuring that the process…
Blueprint Activity Log
Blueprints in Control Center programs should have activity logs to show what changes have been made, who made them, & when. This is especially important when there are multiple additional leads. All leads should be able to access this activity log to see the history of blueprint changes.
Default color palette for color-blind accessibility.
I know that Smartsheet has the ability to change color palettes with its features. I was hoping that you could please change any default color palettes to be color-blind palettes, for accessibility concerns. For instance if any of your features default to specific colors, in the browser, app, or even in Smartsheet Calendar…
Start and end times on calendar app and calendar view
Ask: Allow start and end TIMES on the Calendar app and Calendar view to help with scheduling (not just start and end dates) Reason: Our team host and manages a bunch of events, some that span multiple days, but many that are single-day or multi-hour events(both online or in-person events.) We use SS to intake all the…
Copying action while building Automation
Smartsheet should have option to copy a specific action and reuse it within the Automation. This will save a lot ot time of building Automation where repeative action needs to be places under different condition. Similar faicility is available in Microsoft Power Automate where user can copy some aciton and reuse the same…
Decouple Comment Lock From Row Lock
I would like to be able to lock a row (and thus prevent editing it's content) WITHOUT locking the ability to add, update, edit, or delete comments from that row. User story: We have a project schedule template with deliverables, milestones, tasks, and dates. The date rows are locked because they are cell-linked to project…
Allow editing for cells in a formula column
Hello, I have found that when a column is a formula column, you can no longer manually update those cells--ever. Is there a reason these cells need to be "locked down"? When you add a formula, just to the cells manually, and not the entire column, you can always update it whenever you need to. I know I can "turn off" the…
Increase the limit within Contact List column
Currently there is a limit of 20 contacts within the Contact List column, which is not sufficient for our needs. It would be great to either increase the maximum to a significantly higher number, or removing the limit whatsoever.
Formatting emails using automation
It would be great to be able to format the text of the emails that can be used for the workflows (bold, highlight, font, color). That would help make the text more readible for the recipient.
Notifications include Cell History
Please consider adding an option or field name (e.g. {{history-start date}}) within notifications to share what the cell contents were BEFORE a change occurred. I have a notification that goes out to users when something like a start date changes in a Sheet. While I can send the new cell value in the notification, it would…