Automation Notifications Using Groups
I would like to be able to use Smartsheet groups as recipients within automation workflow notifications instead of listing each user individually.
WorkApps: Generate Documents
Would like to be able to use the generate documents workflow from the workapp instead of having to go back to the sheet. Our HR admins use this regularly and have to flip back and forth, defeating the point of the one stop shopping with the app.
Dynamic View: Hyperlinks
We currently build a hyperlink to a prefilled form using a formula and the row ID. But the biggest limitation on this is they do not function in Dynamic View. The end user has to copy/past to get to the form.
WorkApps: Role Building
Role Building is very tedious selecting permissions for every page. When creating a new role can we choose between view all or hide all depending on how many pages we are going to add to a role. Also would be helpful to be able to multi-select and apply permissions.
WorkApps: ADMIN/Editor role
We have developed two end user workflows that are based around the work app. As of now I'm the only person who can edit the workapp we are using for multiple locations onboarding tracking. This a huge single point of failure. I should be able to add admins to this app to help respond to access request or help managing…
Workapps Landing Page: show ALL apps in one view
Please combine "Apps Shared with you" and "Apps owned by you" onto a single landing page. I use the two considerable more than the ones I'm shared with, yet its an extra click to get to that page for editing. I know they show up on my SS home page but they aren't editable from there. There is plenty of real-estate to…
Dynamic View: View Display in Settings, search to find column names
I would like to have a text box in the Available Fields area to find columns in large sheets. The Visible Fields are should allow me to drag items out to remove them without having to scroll and uncheck them.
Chart Widget -- Legend/Series behavior linking out to other Smartsheet Items
Today, we can have a behavior/action at the widget level only. I would like to attach a Smartsheet Report to each of the Chart Legend/Series. So, while I select the color and size of each Legend Series, I would like to attach a Report. At the moment, I have a workaround by using "No Legend" in the Chart Widget, then…
Kanban cards take lowest level
Need to be able to set Kanban to the activity level rather than deliverable/subdeliverable level when managing projects. We have a workwround that requires a checkbox or we will develop a complex forula, instead, you should have a feature that will pull the cards from the lowest level of a particular workstream.
Automatic WBS Numbering
We have a work around but it takes multiple helper columns and complex formulas. You need WBS numbering 1 1.1 1.1.1