WorkApps: Role Building
Role Building is very tedious selecting permissions for every page. When creating a new role can we choose between view all or hide all depending on how many pages we are going to add to a role. Also would be helpful to be able to multi-select and apply permissions.
Language Translation in forms
for diverse users it would be helpful to have a language translation option in forms
Detailed asset access report showing assets actually accessed / edited during a set timeframe
Would like to have a way to get a list of Smartsheet assets that each user has viewed and/or edited within the last 90 (or 'xx') days? The Sheet Access report only shows the assets that each user is shared to - but it does not show you which assets they have actually accessed and/or edited. I would think this information…
AI Text and Summaries Column Formula
Hey All, I submitted this product enhancement request through a feedback request a while back but I think this idea has a lot of merit and would really benefit the community as a whole. If you are like me, I'm sure you are all using and loving the AI feature! One thing that has been cumbersome about it has been that in…
View Collections from the Browse Screen
This enhancement request will allow the user to access and view Collections from the Browse menu. Currently you have to navigate into the workspace and click into an asset to view the "Workspace Panel" in order to access the Collections.
Control Auto Save Settings on New Views
Board view immediately commits any changes. This may not be ideal, especially when an automation is triggered by a change. I may be thinking about a response still and not quite ready to commit the changes, but in board view I don't have a choice. The settings for board view and timeline view should follow the personal…
Smartsheet.gov app for iOS
Hello, Our program engineers use iPads in the field to conduct their site surveys using a FAA approved web-based site survey software. It would save them a lot of time if they could use Smartsheet.gov app on their iPads as well. Would it be possible to make the app available to iOS?
Dynamic View Default filter Enabled
When opening a dynamic view, allow admin to select a default filter. Currently the sheets open with no filter enabled and most of the time would like an "active" or "open" filter to be default.
New Timeline View - Sidebar Custom Group Colors
Timeline view is such a nice and cool view for Smartsheet time values! I've currently been tinkering with using Timeline view to show some project timelines; however I'm running into an unusual challenge that could be a good enhancement. Currently, all color values in Timeline View are auto-assigned, and individual task…
Desktop Level Functionality for iPads
Hi, I think at this point in Smartsheet's maturity we should have the same level of functionality/access we have on smartsheet.com or smartsheet desktop app when using an iPad instead of being forced onto the mobile app. As someone who likes to use their iPad when on the go, it is increasingly frustrating that I am forced…