Folder Colours
It would help to differentiate the folders (particularly in Workspaces) if we could choose colours of the folders.
Undo Function After Saving
Smartsheet should still allow us to undo after a sheet/report autosaves. This has really frustrated me. As I'm trying out certain things on my sheets, smartsheet will autosave and it totally screws me over. Also, I'm shocked y'all don't have a restore function - where we can restore sheets to an older version if someone…
Archive workspaces
Add feature to archive a workspace (without breaking any references within or outside the workspace) so that it is either moved under Archived folder or through appropriate implementation is hidden from other workspaces (but can be accessed if needed)
Vacation Mode
I would like to re-direct automations and notifications and possibly even Ownership of tasks to an appointed secondary person in the event that the owner is on vacation or otherwise unavailable. It would be a simple toggle on/off with a pre-determined secondary who everything would be switched to. Or it could be another…
Auto Sort Filtered Sheet
Create method to auto sort a filtered sheet. If date is selected for sorting and Status field is filtered to Open. Current method is to turn filter off, select date field, select sort, select OK, change filter back to Open. I would like an automatic sort/workflow to accomplish this.
Dashboard exports to Powerpoint
My company is a Microsoft shop, and while we've had success getting the "working" level of our workforce to utilize Smartsheet, our executive suite still relies heavily on Powerpoint for updates. We need an easy and even automated way to export dashboards to Powerpoint.
Linking Sheet Attachments to Dashboard
Use Case Trying to create a policy and procedure inventory, created the sheet to be able to manage version control and restrict access to Senior Leadership etc, wanted to create the option that when the status on the policy is changed to 'Publish' then the attached pdf document to each policy entry is then available to be…
Export a sheet with attachments preserving the row references
For various reasons, it may be needed to export the sheet with all their attachments while preserving the knowledge of which attachment belongs to which row. Solution examples: 1) A PDF binder where a click on the link would open the attachment, which is embedded in the binder. 2) A ZIP archive containing an Excel or HTML…
Attachment capability for Docusign integration
It would be fantastic if there was the ability to attach files in the Docusign generation. It would make a large-scale project that our group performs every year much faster and easier for all of the users.
Dynamic View: Change Source Sheet
I have a number of relatively complexly configured dynamic views (help text, display logic, etc.), and I need to preserve all of those features for each of the configurations (which I can accomplish via a save as new), but I also need change the source sheet. It would be nice to be able to change the source sheet for a…