Allow Images, Field Formula Calculations, and Layout Customization in Forms
Allow Images: It would be so great to be able to add images to the form layout that can be viewed within the form. This could be used for multiple purposes (ex. Order or Item selection based on image. Ex. Provide visual instruction or assistance to help user complete the form.) Field Formula Calculations: If a form's…
Allow report widget to show calendar view
At the moment, dashboards, it is not possible to have a report showing with a calendar view. This would be a great help for user needing to see data in a calendar format.
View Collections from the Browse Screen
This enhancement request will allow the user to access and view Collections from the Browse menu. Currently you have to navigate into the workspace and click into an asset to view the "Workspace Panel" in order to access the Collections.
Print or Export Automated Workflows
Would love a feature allowing an automated workflow and its details to be printed or exported to PDF . Currently I'm taking screenshots and piecing them together for printing to markup, make notes, share with others and it's quite inefficient. Original discussion post @tadas34896 but couldn't find if he had posted in…
Backup & Restore Option for Control Center Blueprint
New Feature concept: A back up and restore option for control center blue prints. This feature would replace corrupt blue print files and have the ability to relink to current sheets. It should also provide a log to find out where errors occurred. Urgent issue: Our Control Center has suddenly stopped recognizing our…
Filter columns in reports individually as viewer
My users desperately miss the filter columns functionality in reports. We would love to be able to use filtering in reports just like you can filter a sheet. Indepentendly from the report filters appplied by the owner of the report, any user should be able to filter columns in the report later on for themselves.
Prevent users unsubscribing from automation workflows
It should be possible to prevent users unsubscribing from workflows as these can form part of a process notifying users or work/tasks etc. These users have been setup, they have not subscribed so they should not be able to unsubscribe.
Conditionally send reports
Problem: Sometimes my reports have no items as all the actions are closed in the underlying sheet. It is then irritating for my email recipients to receive a blank report. Ideal state: To have two options: Dont send the report if blank or send an automated email still on the recurring schedule stating a custom message…
Direct Email Approval Button for Smartsheet Automation Workflows
Integrate a direct approval button within the email notification itself that allows users to approve or reject requests without the need to transition to a web browser. This button would perform the same security checks and record the same audit trails as the current browser-based approval, ensuring that the process…
Blueprint Activity Log
Blueprints in Control Center programs should have activity logs to show what changes have been made, who made them, & when. This is especially important when there are multiple additional leads. All leads should be able to access this activity log to see the history of blueprint changes.