New rows and comments global update within Control Center
Add a global update to update project plans with new rows and comments within Control Center so that all plans have the necessary steps needed for full implementations.
Using "Groups" to Invite Users to Proof
This piggybacks on enhancement requests for using Groups in Automated Workflows. Our Marketing and Communications team has a form for employees to submit requests for the marketing material design (e.g., a flyer for an upcoming event). Proofs are uploaded to the request and the same group of people need to review and…
Option to Create New Sheet/Report/etc without using Solution Center
When I'm working within a sheet, often, I need to create a related sheet or report, and I know what I need and do not need assistance from the Solution Center. I don't understand why there isn't a choice to use it or not when you select "Create New" from the file dropdown. The Solution Center is a great thing, but I just…
Button Widget that can run automation
It would be useful if you could add a button on a dashboard that could be used to run automation, e.g. to do some processing such as moving/copying rows between sheets or triggering emails to users regarding status of rows in the sheet.
Smartsheet Gantt View & Dynamic View
Setup the sheet in Gantt View (w/ Baseline, predecessors,duration, Start Date, Finish Date, etc) Using DV to update the activities finish date and actual % complete per assigned person. But in DV you can't edit the finish date. Hope they can improve or add more features in DV that sheet setup in gantt can also be edited…
URL Redirect for Inactive Forms
It would be great if, when you inactivate a form, there was a way to redirect users who end up on that form to the new form or web page. I have built a highly complex system for my organization, the crux of which is an idea submission form. However, I did not have anywhere near the knowledge of Smartsheet that I do now and…
Text readability on Status Bar depending on shade selected in Timeline View
In Timeline view, when the darkest color of any of the shades is selected to color the task bar (except Yellow), the text is truncated. I only tested the darkest shades, not all of them. Please fix this bug.
"Inactive Task" Feature
There should be native integration to Inactive a Task. This will allow for proper calculations of dates and time within timelines and gantt charts. Since we use timeline templates to work through projects, being able to inactivate a task allows us to drill into just the required tasks without calculation errors. The issue…
Bring back the old automated Smartsheet notification layouts
Recently, Smartsheet updated their notifications so when it sends a notification, it no longer includes the name of the sheet. For companies that work on hundreds of sheets, this is tedious to have to click "open Smartsheet" for every notification to find out which one sent it. Bring back the old notification template…
Assign holidays or non-working days per user/group
As a member of an international organization, staff working on a project will not all have the same non-working days. It would be helpful if people could enter their non-working days into their personal profile (which could then include vacation days in addition to holidays)! Ideally, we could enter groups of non-working…