Create New Sheet from Report Results
It would be handy to have a mechanism for creating a new sheet from the results of a report. I envision an option in the report menu "Save Results as New Sheet" where you would be prompted to give the new sheet a name and then the report's columns and their contents (as static values) would fill out the new sheet. This…
Tracking Activity on Form Links
It would be helpful to have some tracking on how many people are clicking on links for forms/open the form. We have surveys that are sent out to various partners and it would be helpful to know if the form is being looked at or not. Additional tracking could be on who has opened it (if required to log in to complete) or if…
"Revert to Workspace Sharing" option for objects
I would love to have the ability to efficiently clean up object sharing within a workspace by simply reverting a sheet's sharing to match the Workspace with one click.
Document Generation Workflow to Row Contacts
It would be incredibly helpful if I could simply create a workflow to automatically send a generated document to that row's recipient without including the link to the source sheet or requesting an approval or signature.
Drag and Drop Attachments
As many others have also posted, it would be a huge time save to be able to drag and drop row attachments between rows (with availability for either a copy+paste or cut+paste function). Additionally, a cell that could be setup to capture the attachments names... similar to how you can with the "Latest Comment".
Multi Select Drop Down on Sheet Summary
Currently in Sheet Summary, there is no option for a Multi-Select Drop down field. The request is to incorporate multi select to the drop down field option within Sheet Summary.
Graphing Non-Numeric values
I would love to be able to graph non-numeric values. We recently sent a survey to our staff where many answers were selected from a list of dropdown options. In order to clearly display the results I was looking to create pie charts showing the responses to individual questions and was unable to do so without creating a…
Display percent complete within Report > Gantt View > Progress Bar
Community post https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/105628/not-all-actual-bar-show-in-gantt-chart identified that percent complete is not displayed within gantt progress bars in a Report view. Being able to quickly view project progress in a Report is a key feature. Can this please be implemented.
Matrix Multiple Choice Grid on Forms
Has the Smartsheet design team thought at all about incorporating a matrix multiple choice grid? (see screenshot below) My team uses Smartsheet forms for almost everything, but will occasionally opt for a Google Form when a matrix grid is the preferred format. The reason for the preference is often because the grid is a…
Sort Rows with criteria
It would be great if you could use the Sort Row function with a criteria option also. For Example: If I had a range of open and closed requests that have different due dates. Sort rows by "Due Date" with due soonest showing at the top but only the rows where the closed box has not been ticked, the rows that are "closed"…