Enhanced Field Linking - Editable Both Ways
Add the fucntionality to link fields, however have these fields editable in either sheet. This can be added as a toggle when linking fields, and will allow the editing of fields directly from the summary sheets, rather than needing to navigate to the back end data.
View all the fields of a record in a dashboard-type view
I have a CRM started and I want to find a way to display information from on record in a sheet in a more readable format—where you don't have to keep scrolling to the right for additional information. Ideally, this would be a page form that I create with fields (from the sheet) place in my preferred arrangement. This would…
Add New Comment as a Workflow Action
Our organization uses the comments section of each row to share updates. It would be excellent if we could add workflow automation to automatically add a comment in certain scenarios, such as when another value changes.
Multiple Latest Comment type fields
We use a Latest Update/Comment type of field to have project managers enter short updates regarding tasks in project plans and projects in our portfolio sheet. We have multiple uses for such updates and comments by different types of users, in our portfolio sheet especially. Please allow multiple columns of the…
Add Comment Section to a form
I know we can add a a field for comments/notes on a smartsheet form, however this becomes a column in the smartsheet rather than contributing to the complete comment section of that row.
Alternate Approach to "Latest Comment"
Right now, the Latest Comment column pulls in the latest comment from the row comments/conversation. Would be nice to have the Latest Comment also be able to pull text from a column directly to the left or right of Latest Comment. Concept would be entering multiple comments over the course of several days, weeks, etc.,…
Delete Column using SCC Global Updates
I want to be able to delete columns across all projects in Control Center. Right now, you can add columns, but not delete them. This is manual :(
Dynamic Views in Workspace
Hi Product Team — Currently, to reach a dynamic view from a sheet, one must go through about 3 clicks and a separate window spawn. Dynamic View»Manage Dynamic Views»Dynamic Views from this sheet»new window spawn»click the dynamic view needed. It would make accessing dynamic views easier and faster if we could put them into…
Lock A Specific View (so users can't switch to another view)
We'd like the ability to restrict a view in a report or in a sheet so that a user can ONLY view a sheet or report in a specific view (like Card View, Grid View, etc.) Example: Our team discovered Card View is the safest way to allow multiple users to have Edit access to a sheet or report while lowering the chances of them…
Percentage Allocations for Multiple Data Inputs in a Sheet
Automate the Percentage Complete for Multiple Data Sets in a Sheet.