Row Reminder Email with Link
It would be much more convenient if there was a link to the sheet in the email received from a Row Reminder, like there is from an Automation email.
Ability to set font size in report
I would like the ability to control the font size in a report independently from the base sheet. Currently, the report font size is controlled by the base sheet. I have a sheet with a font size of 10, and it is readable on my computer. I created a report with this sheet and put it on a dashboard, but the font size seems…
Center Column Titles
Column title is not moving at all for me when I select "Center Align". I am not able to highlight the column title only to perform this function. Only the cell text moves with the align icons in the toolbar. Please include the capability to align Column title text.
Update Request Hyperlinks
This is a standalone of a request I've seen pieces of in other threads. I would like to see URL's that are included in the message of an Update Request be clickable when the Update Request has been opened. As it is, the email notifying the user of an update request has a clickable URL hyperlink, but when they open the…
Filter Lanes in Card View
There currently isn't a way to have lanes with no data (such as "no cards") to be hidden, or the ability to use a chosen selection of lanes. If I am doing a sales meeting, I would like to be able to apply a Sales filter to only show the lanes for the salesmen. This could be a view setting or a feature of a filter that…
Collapse Lanes in Card View
There currently isn't a way to automatically collapse lanes based on criteria (such as "no cards") or to use one click to collapse all. Currently I have to click each column to collapse individually, to show/hide what I want.
Cell Links through Formula
It would be great to be able to link to a table and row through a formula.
Adjustable kerning (letter spacing) on dashboard titles
To get aesthetically pleasing dashboard layouts it is sometimes necessary to manually adjust the spacing between letters (by a d d i n g s p a c e s) and it would be great if this could be an adjustable setting. This is in Smartsheet's interest as their sales engineers do this all the time when creating proof of concepts…
Disable/Read-only Field
Would be great if we could set certain fields to disable or read-only input fields instead of just having the option to hide them.
Cross referencing sheets and summarizing a stacked column
Not sure if this was an idea already submitted. Smartsheet makes it pretty hard to find any specific idea to upvote so I will just submit a new one and hope they have something better set up that what is offered in the Smartsheet functionality.