Automatically Generate Process Maps for Projects/Portfolios
The template helper is useful when it shows the template sets setup with process maps. This request is for projects created from scratch - if we could have Smartsheet generate the process map automatically it would be super helpful Explaining to team, leadership, stakeholders - how things work Onboarding and training…
Dashboards: Reverting back to a version of a dashboard
Hello Smartsheet Community! New idea / suggestion: can we get the ability to revert back to a version of a dashboard - similar to how the Google Suite works? Use case: we have our engagement managers create external dashboards to share with customers. Sometimes, they overwrite (accidentally) the internal dashboard and…
Ability to allow all users to set the "open to today's date" Gantt view option
This option should not be restricted to Administrators, but should be able to be chosen for all users, or at least Editors. Thanks Simon
Title format to include H1 for accessibility (Headers start at H2)
Utilizing Wave to confirm accessibility. Title at top of form should be formatted as H1 so that assistive screen readers recognize as a title, pre-heading. We hope this is a simple html fix that would help many users.
Update Formulas via a "Find and Replace" Method
I have a Smartsheet Metrics file with a lot of formulas. I understand if the Metrics sheet is provisioned with Control Center, this would accommodate the functionality I'm looking for. In my case, the sheet is not provisioned with Control Center as it is pertinent to our overall Portfolio of initiatives and not just the…
Please allow user to delete attachments on Dynamic View report
Just admin can delete attached files and user has to wait to see required changes
Send Email to Row in Sheet
Hi I would love the ability to send an email to a sheet in Smartsheet. Trello: https://blog.trello.com/how-to-create-trello-cards-from-email ToDoIs: https://todoist.com/help/articles/forwarding-emails-to-todoist-JPJ1V339 We used to be able to reply in email to a comment that we were notified on and that worked really well.…
Calendar View: adjust bar configurations - size and text wrap
It would be nice to be able to adjust the size of items you are looking at your sheets in calendar view. If you have long titles they get cut off. You should be able to adjust how big the bars are or if the text can wrap so it all shows.
Alternate Email Address Report
Please add a column in the User List report that displays all of the alternate email addresses associated with that account. This would make finding users much, MUCH faster than it is now. I have to either contact support or randomly guess at which account may have the alternate email. An alternative idea would be to allow…
Add Domain Sharing Option in Work Apps
It would be nice to be able to share a Domain name for pages in the Work App like we can share in Dynamic View. When information can be viewed to the organization, it is tedious to maintain names.