Post Badges to LinkedIn
Wouldn't it be cool if we could post our Smartsheet badges to our LinkedIn profiles? That way, when someone is looking for our experiences, or seeking someone for assistance, they would know the badges we've earned!
Selecting a Workspace as Template Source for Control Center Blueprint
It would be great to be able to select a workspace as the template source folder while setting up a blueprint in Control Center. Currently you have to select a folder in a specific workspace. This change would eliminate the initial folder created at the workspace level, and would allow the end user to have all the template…
Allow Jira Workflows to be edited by multiple users and transferred
Workflows cannot be updated except by the user that created them. This makes it very difficult to manage them by a team. Also, if the owner leaves the company, the workflow needs to be rebuilt. Workflows should be able to be shared and edited by multiple users and should be able to be transferred when a person leaves a…
Favorites - Pop-up
I frequently use the "favorites" star on the left to quickly go to my sheets. I have had some trouble quickly accessing the sheets because I scan with my mouse up and down the list. Each sheet creates a pop-up when you hover over it. This makes it difficult because I end up clicking the pop-up instead of the sheet I…
Separate Automations from Safe Sharing
At this time, Safe Sharing also restricts automation emails to only the emails added to the safe list. https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/855284-security-controls-enterprise-only Wishing we could separate this: We have use cases where we do not want to share a sheet with a 3rd party, but we still need to send them…
Add Run on Attachment for DataTable in DataShuttle
Please include a run on attachment option for DataTable in Data Shuttle. A daily up to weekly only option is very limited. We also need monthly, bi monthly, etc. Similar to the custom date automation option in Smartsheet sheets.
idempotency in API Requests
Running into issues where large updates to a sheet can sometime take too long to complete, and there is no way of knowing if it failed or not. Adding in a client side Key that is included with the request, will allow to try it again and the server will not process it again just return the status of the original request. As…
Integrate DataMesh with Control Center
I have a lot of use cases where it would be so helpful if I could provision DataMesh workflows when projects are provisioned through control center. There is no way to copy a data mesh workflow, so if I need one created for a project, I have to recreate the entire workflow, every time.
Bubble Chart / Heat Map
It would be nice to have the following: 1) a poll that collects data based off of criteria for Impact for a given project 2) using a range of 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 13, 21, 32 3) sum up the criteria for the Impact to use as a value in the bubble chart 4) a poll that collects data based off of criteria for Effort for a given…
Improve dashboard widgets
A major value proposition of Smartsheet is that it can replace Excel. It's then a disappointment to find that the Smartsheet dashboard offers only good but very simple charts. A broader range of charts plus a pivot table and chart option would be very useful. (Noting that the separate Pivot Chart product offered by…