Sheet Reference Manager panel - drag to expand the window
Currently the Sheet Reference Manager panel is static. As a result I can not see the reference name in full. Due to cell reference limitation (100,000 cells), I sometimes have to remove references, but cannot see the full name so cannot see which ones to remove. Making the panel expandable, by dragging the bottom corner,…
Add the ability to Favorite workspaces from the Workspace Itself
I am desperately missing a hollow star next to a workspace title to enable the opportunity to favorite it while I am in it.
Update Task Status from Resource Management to Smartsheets
Ability to update the task status in Resource management and push this back into Smartsheets. Currently my resources enter their time in Resource Management and update the status of the task when complete - this currently doesn't flow back into smartsheets and it is either a manual process for me to see what tasks have…
Import/Export Tags between Smartsheet and Excel
Please make SmartSheet tags cross-transferable between Excel and Smartsheet. It would be amazing if Smartsheet recognized a comma-separated list (or some other delimiter) in Excel as a cell with multiple values. Inversely, it would be amazing to be able to TEXTJOIN a string of values in Excel and import that string into a…
Automated Reports in Resource Management
Our team has recently moved to Resource Management by Smartsheets. I have an admin run a report each week to verify that team members have reported time for the previous week. I am receiving the requests for approval when the timesheets are submitted, but I would like an automated way to send a report to our admin once a…
Intergration of Whatsapp with Smartsheet
Good morning, Our installers work a lot in the field and they use whatsapp to communicate, it would be a great feature if we could direct communicate out of SmartSheet with whatsapp. Thank you for considering Happy user
Full Screen in Desktop App
Love using SS in Full Screen Mode on a Browser. I lose that with the desktop app and the tab menu at the top takes up so much real estate!
Improve Cell History on Row Moved Automation
It would be nice to be able to see what sheet the row came from rather than just that it was moved from another sheet.
Auto Number Unique to Each Sheet (i.e. not keep original when copied or moved from another sheet)
I would like the auto number field to always be calculated whether a new row is added directly or copied/moved from another sheet. With current functionality, if a row is copied/moved from another sheet, and that sheet has a Auto Number column, the value from the original sheet populates the new sheet. This would be in…
Table of Content in Dashboard
It would be great if one could auto-generate a Table of Content (new Widget) in a Dashboard by indicating which widgets should be part of the Table of Content and then Links would be generated either at the top or the bottom of the page (selectable) that would link to the different sections of the same Dashboard.