Folder-level permissions
I have a Workspace with folders for different teams. Is it possible to give access to certain folders and not the entire workspace? Currently I am giving everyone viewing access to the Workspace and the editing access to specific sheets. It would be nice to manage the access rights on folder level
From email name for Smartsheet automations: select a generic value versus owner
There should be an option to set a FROM display name for email from smartsheet automation. Now, these come from "owner via smartsheet" and are confusing, often unrelated to the purpose, not relevant to the form intake workflow, and are a security concern. When can this be addressed? thanks
Share Data Shuttle Workflows
We are fortunate to have multiple Data Shuttle gurus in our organization, but it has become difficult to track who owns the workflows that manage different dropdowns and sheet rows. It would be fantastic if there were ways for all users to easily identify what dropdowns/rows are being updated via Data Shuttle workflows,…
Auto-update column names in reports
Reports should auto-update when column names are changed. Currently, renaming a column in a sheet will corrupt any reports that reference that sheet column. Reports should reference the backend column ID and not the column alias in the UI.
Workspace Panel opening automatically should be optional
Please add a setting where you can enable/disable the Workspace Panel automatically opening on the left panel when you open a new asset. Having it open by default and squeezing the viewable space on the sheet has been reported as a major efficiency detractor by no less than a dozen employees already.
Single Row Timeline
Would love to see a single row timeline that provides a condensed view for senior leadership. This is one capability that is asked for a lot, but currently is not available.
Back up option on EU version of smartsheet
As per below article the US version of smartsheet offers an option to automatically back up sheets at a given time. I'm surprised this hasn't been rolled out on the EU version, most medium to large sized firms who have an active compliance & IT team will need re-assurance that there is a back up option in order to roll out…
Link Resource Management "Phase" of a project to data in Smartsheet
It would be useful if a project's "phase" could come from a cell in Smartsheet so the phase of a project doesn't need to be updated in two different places. Example: A project moves from Planning to Execution. As a PMO Manager, I would like to be able to update that in the Smartsheet Portfolio Rollup Sheet for that…
We need the Owner (or Creator) back
The Owner column has disappeared from the Browse Menu. I recognize that Smartsheet is moving away from ownership, however, Admins, supervisors, etc. need to be able to see who is responsible for that sheet/asset for a variety of reasons. Using the "Admins" isn't going to work. All of our assets are in workspaces, by…
Remove GO to sheet option
There should be a way to remove the "Go to the Sheet" button / link at the bottom of an update request. Often users do not have access and then they keep requesting access by using this link.