Increase limit of grouped and summarized report rows from 2500
Please consider increasing the limit of grouped and summarized report rows from 2500. This is a significant constraint we face daily. To work around this we are either limiting the information displayed by more than we desire, or creating multiple reports; both are considerable inconveniences to our leadership who need…
Reworked Empty Chart State to replace "Unable to display chart" in Dashboards
I would like to see a rework of the "Unable to display chart" prompt in the Charts widget. I am building a series of dashboards using Grouped and Summarized reports as the source data for charts, pulling basic counts across multiple sheets. These reports are counting open and overdue tasks, the goal being that they'll be…
@ people within WorkApps commenting
For some reason it is not possible to @ someone in commenting and have a list of Smartsheet users populate to @ while in WorkApps. This is very surprising that this is not a current feature in WorkApps? This is widely used functionality in Smartsheet, why not in WorkApps?