Filter Functionality in the New Format. Colors?

Since the new format I am lost in adding other aspects of the filter function.  What happened to adding colors and highlights when creating a new filter?  Please help!




  • Gwyneth C
    Gwyneth C ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hello Elizabeth,

    It sounds as if perhaps you are looking for the Conditional Formatting feature, rather than filters. With conditional formatting you can add color to rows or cells based on criteria you specify (for example, you could create a rule so that if a task is assigned to Gwyneth, the the row will be highlighted in yellow).

    To start creating a conditional formatting rule, click Conditional Formatting Conditional Formatting button in the toolbar at the top of Smartsheet to display the Conditional Formatting window.

    You'll find more information about how to work with conditional formatting in the Smartsheet Help Center article "Apply Formatting Automatically with Conditional Formatting Rules" (

    Hope this helps!
