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advancing dates (roll over)


I have a number of simple tasks that re-occur regularly. Is there an easy way to roll due dates over monthly, quarterly, or yearly?



  • Shaine Greenwood

    There isn't a way to have Smartsheet automatically create recurring tasks for you, but as long as you're not using the date columns for dependencies, formulas are one way to do this. You can make your formula as simple as returning a value of added days from a prior due date...

    =[Due Date]1 + 30

    ...Or more advanced with conditions that'll set the date based on other values in your sheet. I'd recommend checking out our Help Center for details on functions available in Smartsheet.

    We also have a formula syntax article in case you're new to making formulas in Smartsheet.

    When you have a moment, submit your feedback for a recurring tasks feature directly to our Product team by using our Product Enhancement Request form under Quick links on the right of the community site.


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