Calendar View and Reporting

edited 10/23/23 in Formulas and Functions

One of the project managers I work with prefers to work in a calendar view for the reports. I included snap shots of our Project Template, Report and Calendar View.

Our process is to open a project template and name according to the meeting.

Example: "Store Celebrations"

From there the Dates are added and adjusted based on actual time line vs. ideal timeline which is what the Gannet chart is set up to automatically do. Then people update accordingly.

All of these sheets for multiple store projects live in a work space that will then roll up into a report. The report when viewed as a sheet is color coded by who is responsible for what which then color codes the sheet. The color code pulls into the report but not onto the calendar. (See Images Below)

In the calendar image below, you can see "Branded" on the 26th, 2nd, and 12th. These are the starts of 3 different things. 2 of them refer to 2 different projects art work and the third is connected to Costing for a 3rd project.

In an ideal world I would like the sheet name to auto populate into the task list in front of the task. But I'm willing to work with any work arounds.


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