Advanced Notifications: Stay on Top of Important Changes

Shaine Greenwood
Shaine Greenwood Employee
edited 03/12/19 in General Announcements

Yesterday, we released an update to Smartsheet that includes more robust notification rules. Notify people automatically when they’re assigned to a task, or when one of their assigned tasks changes.

Check out our Help Center article on Advanced Notifications here:

An overview of the new feature, plus a list of bugs fixed in this release, will also be publicly available later this week on our Release Notes site:

You can try out this new feature in Smartsheet today!


  • Brad Jones
    Brad Jones ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Totally missed that this update was two fold for custom notifications.

    1. You can customize the triggers - check

    2. You can customize which columns show up in your notifications - SUPER COOL.

    Thanks soo much for adding this feature 2.laugh

  • kefir
    kefir ✭✭


    Can you please re-format the notification emails so that changes in comments are displayed as an additional column, in line with other row updates? 

    Currently they are listed below all the other row changes, it takes it out of context and is difficult to follow.

  • kefir
    kefir ✭✭

    And the same for notifications about attachments, please.

  • kagrawa
    kagrawa ✭✭

    And please make the row (or part of the row) a hyperlink back to the row(s) that actually changed.