Calculating Average Work Days with Stipulations



I'm trying to calculate average work days that each command takes to return a request. However, it has to meet several other stipulations.

-"Type of Request" has to include "FOIA" (drop-down column multi-select)

-"Date Forwarded to Command #1" (in the formula it's "Date Fwd to C#1") is a date-only select, that sometimes isn't populated (average work days start here)

-"Date Request is Returned from Command #1" (in the formula is "Date Rtnd from C#1") is also a date-only select, that sometimes isn't populated (average work days end here)

-In this specific instance, the command would be "PERSONNEL" in Command #1. (all caps, locked to single drop-down select)

What I have is returning an "#INCORRECT ARGUMENT," and I've played with it for an hour.

=AVERAGEIF((NETWORKDAYS({Date Fwd to C#1}, AND(IFERROR(ISDATE(@cell), 0), {Date Rtnd from C#1}, AND(IFERROR(ISDATE(@cell), 0), AND(IF({Type of Request}, CONTAINS("FOIA", @cell), IF({Command #1}, HAS("PERSONNEL", @cell)))))))))


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